They Don't Know About Us

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People say, we shouldn't be together

Too young, to know about forever

But I say they don't know

What they're talk-talk-talking about


[Syco is the record label and Modest! is the management]

["Jo/Johanna" is Louis' mum - she died of cancer in December 2016]


I immediately jumped up and grabbed my jacket which was hanging over the nearby chair. Liam looked at me questioningly, whereupon I made a pushing motion and shooed him out into the corridor.

I silently formed the words 'Get your jacket!' and Liam disappeared behind the opposite door.

"Where are you, Harry?", I asked into the microphone as calmly as I could, breathing a sigh of relief as Liam stepped back out into the corridor.

"Do you have a car?" asked Liam but I shook my head, after all Anna had driven here with me. "Okay. I'll call someone."

"Harry, please talk to me. Are you at your house?"

There was an approving hum and what sounded like nose blowing.

"Okay Harry, stay where you are. We'll come to you."

A crackle, sniffle, then there was silence on the line.

"Harry's home," I said curtly, nodding to the doorman as we hurried out the back door to the car park.

A black Audi pulled up the driveway and Liam signified to me that this was our car. We dropped into the back seat and Liam gave the driver Harry's address.

During the drive, Liam now seemed to be getting nervous too, because he was wiggling his knee the whole time, couldn't sit still and was running his hands through his hair non-stop, which didn't really help to calm me down.

Time seemed to pass slower and slower the closer we got to the Hamptons, and my patience was stretched to breaking point.

Who knew a simple car ride could set my nerves on edge like that?

"Why the fuck are we going so slow?", I pressed between my teeth and Liam put a hand on my arm.

"We'll be right there," he murmured, stroking my skin briefly with his thumb.

I pressed my lips together and waited for the next few minutes with a tense hand on the door handle until the driver finally pulled up in front of Harry's driveway.

"Thank you, for driving."

Without wasting another second, I yanked the door open and got out. I heard Liam's door click open as well, and by then I was standing in front of the front gate, typing in the necessary code.

When the gate opened, I immediately started heading for the side path that led behind the house.

"Where are you going?" Liam called after me and I pointed to the front door.

"I have the code to his grounds, but I don't have the key to the house. We might be able to get in through the terrace at the back," I explained and began to run as best I could in my heels along the cobbled path to the garden.

I cursed as I stumbled halfway and unceremoniously pulled my knee boots off my feet somewhat awkwardly.

"It's February, C!", Liam reminded me as he passed me, but I just snorted, "I care precious little about that right now, to be honest!"

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