Chapter 01

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Thursday 04, 1815 

The day Mr. Colin Bridgerton set foot in London for the first time in two years, the horse galloped on the streets of London heading towards the Bridgerton mansion. The rider, Colin Bridgerton passed by a crowd who was buzzing with excitement. The people of the town instantly recognized him.

"Mr. Bridgerton," one said. "Two years it's been! You look really well." 

"Ah," Colin spoke as he descended from the horse and came forward extending his hand to shake. "Mr. Williams, A pleasure meeting you. You don't look too bad yourself and I heard you haven't found yourself a wife yet?" Colin teased as he earned a chuckle from him. 

John Williams, a young gentleman who was twenty-eight had come been coming to London every season for the purpose of visiting his sick father who had been forcing his son to find himself a wife before he passed away as he was on his death bed. Little did the two gentlemen know that months from now they will be envying each other. 

"No, but I feel like my father would probably arrange a marriage himself with God knows who if I don't find a lady this season," John mentioned. 

"That would be exciting to see I guess," Colin patted the man's shoulder. "I really must get going too hungry to have a proper conversation." 

Greeting several people on the way, Colin made his way to the Bridgerton mansion on foot leading his horse with him. As he neared the mansion he saw both Anthony and Eloise standing in the doorway. His pace quickened as he nearly jogged towards them. Anthony went inside followed by Eloise who was just going to shut the door when her eyes landed on the figure approaching the house from quite a distance. 

As unladylike as it was she shouted causing half of the busy London street to turn around. "Oh dear god, Colin!" 

He chuckled dropping the horse's leash on the ground as Eloise made her way towards her brother. His arms wrapped around her and he picked her up. Anthony who came back outside just stood in the doorway watching them both. 

"Mama does not know that you're in London yet, the back door it's open! Scare her!" She shouted frantically at him when they pulled apart. The boy laughed and nodded in response, his head turned towards Anthony who was just smiling at the commotion being created by the two on the street. 

Colin nodded towards the back door letting Anthony know that he was coming from the back. Eloise and Colin ran towards the lawn at the back while Anthony handled the horse. 

He opened the door sneaking in closely followed by Eloise. The first thing he noticed was how the house had the same smell, the homely vibes that made him realize how much he missed home. 

He took his dirty boots off and placed them on the side of the back entrance not wanting to dirty the floor. He found her mother sitting in the formal drawing room reading a pamphlet. He sneaked up upon her making sure that she doesn't feel any movement and then he jerked her shoulders violently.

"O-oh dear god what in the world-" As she turned around her eyes softened. 

"Colin." And she pulled him into her embrace for a few minutes not letting him go. He didn't mind of course. He had missed her terribly and now that he's here he cannot even try to think about leaving her again for so long. After all two years is in fact a long time for the twenty-four-year-old boy. 

"Mama," He found himself saying after a minute or two. "I missed you."

The only person in his life he knew so far who made his insides burst with happiness was his mother. He was never so soft around ladies, he always maintained his charming posture which in fact did attract quite a few ladies. He rarely ever showed his extremely soft-loving side to anyone but his mother and sisters. 

The dinner later that night was very lively. Hyacinth and Gregory were constantly bugging Colin to tell more stories about his travel while Eloise and Benedict were having their own conversation. Violet who just sat there admiring the kids and Anthony who listened intently to every word Colin said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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