Chapter 0 place

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In a far place on the planet called tulia, this planet is home to many races all different in there own ways. This planet is one of the biggest in it solar system it is beautiful. Let's go down and see what lives on the planet.

On the planet there lives dragons,humans,elf's,monsters like goblins trolls orcs they all live in different areas. These areas are special I guess we got a snowy or frozen land forest-rive, ponds while having the opposite on another side fire lava heat and in the middle is nature. Full of forest, grass mountains  etc all of these races live in between them all but through out history some wanted those lands to be there own no other race can be there. A massive war broke out through all the races death filled the lands bodies joining the earth once again.

No one was safe until the battle at Norway you see orcs dragons and humans was fighting the elf's. The elf's were the best fighter in nature. This statement lasted for so long the elf's got cocky battle after battle they keep on winning whenever it was in nature so human orc and dragon fought them in this big battle Norway in there own backyard. The elf's thought this was going to be easy but the humans brought a weapon that if the elf's continue fighting there whole race will die. This weapon was a certain forbidden magic that nobody dared to use this the flaws was to deep but the humans used it. After that battle the elf's were scared to the core they fled there homes forest everywhere and hid and because of that the humans dragons and orcs took over.

The take over was quick after the elf's vanish m, the goblins are so easy to kill or rule  while the rest was either killed off no more or was made slaves life was good for the alliance they where at the top.......but there was on thought in all there mind where was the elf's all of them know they didn't kill them all or made them slaves so the humans took action they sent out party after party of hunters looking for the elf's for a reward.

The humans wanted the elf's not as common slaves but as toys for most of them because elf's where one of the most beautiful races of them all passing multiple races. So having one as a slave was one of the rarest things any of them can have. So many wanted one that if there was even a rumor any rich person would send so many hunters there it would look like a private army just took over.

While the humans where doing that the dragons and orc relationship was getting rocky you see both races have big difference in tradition, culture and respect a dragon way to earn respect was what you have done and earn but for an orc it didn't matter. All that matter was STRENGTH so when both races had to work together is was a rocky road and the only thing keeping it together was humans but now that the war is over the relationship between them is at the point of war.

So that how the world works the races on top is rich,powerful and conquers while the other either disappeared or are slaves. Now then let us start are adventure y/n you got a long one and hopefully let say you ain't a murmuring mess.

(Hopefully this is good pls tell me what you think I can do better sorry it short I kinda made it to explain the plot or where everything is and to get a starting point hope you like.)

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