Chapter 3

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Back with Chapter 3. 11th grade is a killer 😩

"No means no. I forbid you guys to hang out with eachother." said Naomi. Niah, Maiya and Jay were still frightened by Naomi's outburst. Even Niah never saw anything like this from Naomi. "Naomi....are you okay?" asked Maiya still taken aback. This made Naomi angrier. "YOU KNOW WHAT?! FINE!! YOU GUYS CAN HANG OUT WITHOUT ME!! BUT I REFUSE TO GO ANYWHERE WITH HER!!" Naomi yelled and pointed at Niah. Naomi then marched up to her room and slammed her door shut and locking it.

The three were still in shock and afraid. "Has...that ever happened before?" Maiya asked Niah. "No. Never." Jay was terrified. Now he knows not to make his girlfriend mad. EVER. "Uhmm. I'll try to talk to her and calm her down" said Jay and he walked up to Naomi's room to attempt to calm her down and talk things out. "While Jay is with her, can you explain to me what had happened between the two of you? Why would she despise you so much? And Naomi had never told us about you." said Maiya. Niah sighed. "Come sit down with me." Niah told Maiya and they sat down on the couch.

"I have always cared for and loved Naomi more than myself. The day our mother went into labor with Naomi, it was the greatest day of my life for me. I was going to have a little sister for crying out loud and I always wanted one. When she was born, she was my pride and joy. We were inseparable. No one could've separated us. We were even inseparable in Elementary school, until 3rd grade year. One day we both came home from school showing mom our grades and as far as I know, mom congratulated us both. Then, as the days went on, the more we came home with our grades, mom congratulated us both but Naomi started distancing herself from me. When we reached to high school, it got even worse."

"I don't mean to cut you off but you attended the same school as us?" asked Maiya. "Yeah. I'm just 5 years older than her." responded Niah. "Okay. Continue." "When we entered highschool, it got worse. She had a group of friends before, and one night I came home from school late at night because of senior activities, and I heard Naomi crying in her room.

I walked in the door putting my school bag down. "Another successful night of senior activities. Just gotta report this to the principal and we'll be good to go" I said grabbing my bag and heading up to my room. I passed my sister's room and stopped cuz I heard sounds like...sobbing? I entered her room, and sure enough she was crying. It looks like she's been crying for an hour or more. "Naomi. Are you okay? It looks like you've been in here and never came out." I asked Naomi. Naomi then turned around and looked at me with such hatred and her eyes were red from the continuous crying. "Get out" Naomi said quietly. "But, Naomi-" "I said GET OUT OF MT ROOM!!" yelled Naomi and Niah ran out her room and closed her door.

"Boy, I wonder what happened with her today." I said out of curiosity out loud.

Flashback end

"From then on, she completely distanced herself from mom and dad. Me especially. She stopped participating in family activities altogether as well. Our family members thinks she has a problem mentally, but we think it's something else." "So, do you have any clue why she's so distant towards you?" asked Maiya. "Nope. Not at all. She never tells me what goes on in her life so I have not one clue. Instead she just throws harsh words at me and other rude things." said Niah. "What hurts more is that after I came home from college, mom said she was happier without me here."

Maiya thinks something is missing and it sounds fishy to her. "Something sounds fishy there." said Maiya. "How?" asked Niah. "I don't know how to explain it but it just sounds odd." said Maiya. "I wonder if Jay was able to calm her down." said Niah.

With Jay and Naomi.

Jay knocked on Naomi's door. "Babe, are you okay?" "Go away." answered Naomi. "Come on, babe. I just wanna know what's up with you" Jay said trying to convince her. It worked because Naomi opened her door and let him in. "Are you okay?" asked Jay. "Yeah, I am now" responded Naomi looking down. She doesn't feel bad for going off on Niah, but she also realized that she embarrassed herself in front of Maiya and Jay. Naomi sighs. "So what's up with that? Why are you so against your sister? What has she done to you?" asked Jay. "It's nothing. Upcoming exams is just stressing me out so I guess you could say I took it out on everyone" said Naomi. "Oh. Don't worry, babe. Exams is stressing me out, too. But if you need help, you know you can call me right?" Jay said. "Of course" Naomi said reassuring Jay and smiled. "Alright good" Jay said. "Now give me a kiss before me and Maiya go." Jay motioned to his lips. Naomi chuckled and her and Jay shared a kiss.

They headed downstairs and Naomi apologized to Niah and Maiya. "See ya guys. Today was awesome" Naomi said. "Yeah it was great. See you in school on Monday bright and early." said Maiya. "Okay bye!" said Naomi. Then Naomi closed the door. "Your friends are awesome. We should hang out-" "No. Don't. You even think about it" Naomi said in a threatening voice while gritting her teeth. "I still don't like you." "You don't like me?" asked Niah following Naomi up the stairs. Naomi stopped and turned her upper body facing Niah "No. I hate you actually." Naomi said shamelessly. Niah went silent. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Naomi smirked. Niah looked down. "Yeah, I've felt like this for you for years. In fact, I was happier when you left. I wish you never came back" Naomi said letting out some of her anger. "But........why?" Niah asked. "Don't play dumb with me. You should know" said Naomi getting cold and then she turned around and walked back to her room. Niah continued to look down and cried. "Sister, what do I have to do for you to accept me?" said Niah to herself.

Monday Afternoon at school

Naomi was walking around with Maiya and Jay of course. All of a sudden everyone was running going to the front gate to meet someone. "Who is it?" asked Naomi. "I don't know" responded Jay. All three of them followed the crowd to the front gate and see what was going on. As soon as Naomi saw the pink Lamborghini, she automatically knew it was Niah. Naomi then walked off leaving Maiya and Jay there. "Naomi" Maiya called out for Naomi. "Something is wrong. Ever since Niah came back, Naomi has been acting differently and is treating Niah like she's some kind of criminal" said Maiya. "She told me it was because upcoming exams are stressing her out" replied Jay. "Nope. It looks more than that" said Maiya. "Hey guys, where's Naomi?" asked Niah. "She just suddenly walked off after seeing you" said Maiya sadly. Niah just sighed. "I'll take you guys home instead then" Niah said and they agreed.

"I've tried so hard for years to gain Naomi's attention. I've tried to grow a relationship with her, I've done everything I think a big sister could do to help their little sister" Niah said shedding a little tears. Maiya pat her shoulder. "It's okay, Niah. We should figure this out and get to the root of her issues. There has to be a valid and good reason why Naomi has so much hatred in her heart for you." Maiya assured Niah. "Yeah. We know Naomi personally. She doesn't do things unless it has a valid reason behind it" said Jay." Niah sniffled and wiped away her tears. "Okay. When do we start?" asked Niah. "We'll start when Naomi is out" Maiya said.

If only they know what they're in for.

Well there's chapter 3! Stay tuned for chapter 4! Bye!

Fighting!~ :3

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