Chapter Two

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Mai walked out of the shop to go and meet the boys so she could go with Jamal.

Did she want to go to the airport tonight?

Absolutely not.

So, that's why she was hoping that Gina was home so she could stay home with her and avoid being at the airport.

In the back of her mind she knew that she would probably end up at the airport but there was that 1% that she would stay home and she was holding onto it.

They were supposed to be meeting by the store, then they would go to the mall and get something to eat.

As she turned the corner she saw the boys walking out of the store with a whole bag that seemed full of snacks in their hands.

"Why yall got so many snacks, aren't we supposed to be going to the mall? I wanna go get chinese food." Mai asked Jamal.

"Yea-" he started but Kammy cut him off

"Yeah we going after we pick Mikah" he said with a mouth full of hot cheetos.

"You're a dumbass bro" Zeek shook his head while Jamari walked towards the car trying not to laugh.

"What i do ?" Kameron asked totally clueless.

"Yeah what Jamal? Were we not supposed to go to the mall ? I thought we were getting food and going to your house." Mai asked slitting her eyes at Jamal.

"Didn't he tell you ? M coming in at 6, so we got snacks to eat instead." Kammy said with a full mouth again.

"Okay how bout this, how bout you go to the car and shut the fuck up" Jamal pushed Kameron towards the car.

"Nah let Kammy stay here, he seems to be the only one who telling the damn truth, i thought he was coming in at 7:30"

"Look, i know you didn't wanna come so i had to do something to get you to." Jamal shrugged pulling her along to the car.

She decided not to put up a fight and just got in the car putting her headphones in to tune out the boys and their foolishness.

She turned her head to the window watching everything go by as she listened to "Pick up your feelings."

She felt someone tap her and saw Kammy smiling at her offering some of his hot cheetos.

"Thanks Kam." She laughed a little.

"I gotcha babe" he winked at her causing Mai to shake her head.

She then realized that they were driving up to the terminal and her heart dropped.

The boys began to get out of the car, but Mai made up her mind to stay in the car.

"You ain getting out ?" Jamal asked

"Nah im kinda tired, i ain really get to sleep last night and granny wanted me to help her clean today, so i was up early." She looked at him.

It really wasn't a lie, she was up late, and Darline really did want her to help clean before she headed to the shop.

"Yeah aight." He nodded at her closing the door.

"mmhm." She rolled her eyes hooking her phone up to the Bluetooth in the car playing her aggressive playlist. For some reason, right in that moment, that was the playlist that sent her to sleep.

20 minutes later

Mai woke up to a knocking causing her to hit her head on the window.

"Ow shit" she rubbed the middle of her head.

"AYE YOU UP ?!?!" She heard Ezkiel shouting at her through the window.


"Damn i was just asking" he mumbled walking to the trunk.

Mai sighed and sat back getting ready to go back to sleep when the door opened.

"Ezkiel i really ain bout it right now." She said getting frustrated that they were interrupting her nap.

"Damn who the fuck pissed in your cereal." A voice that definitely was NOT zek said.

Mai jumped again.

"Wussup" Mikah laughed at her.

"Hi" she cleared her throat.

"You good? You seem a lil off." He buckled his seatbelt.

Just as she was about to respond she was cut off.

"Go aroundddd" Kammy pushed her shoulder.

" You can sit in the middle." She gave Kameron a stink eye.

"you bout short as hell so move." He told her

"im 5'8 cool it." She rolled her eyes moving around, she really did not want to be in her current position.

Squished between a dumbass and a fine ass dumbass.

"Can we go home now ? I don't even wanna get Chinese anymore" Mai grumbled.

"Well im hungry." Kammy said.

"Aye Kammy, don't nobody care at this point. Can you drop me at your house Jamal? I'll walk home." Mai begged, she really did not want to be around people, her mood just plummeted.

She made eye contact with Jamal through the rearview mirror.

"Please" she mouthed to him.

"Aight fine man." Jamal shook his head at her for what felt like the 100th time in the last half hour.

"Thank youuuuuu" she leaned forward to dap him up.

"Aye what's this..." Mikah pulled at her waist beads causing her to sit down quickly.

"M-my waist beads" she pulled her shirt down.

"I like the colours...they pretty." Mikah told her.

"Pre- okay thanks" she laughed and nodded her head.

"Yo welcome." He reached his hand behind her head rest and stretched his legs out.

"Can you not?" She side looked him while pushing his legs away.

"CAn YoU NotT" he mocked her in a high pitched voice.

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes and put her airpods back in.

25 minutes later

Jamal had just pulled up to the house and Mai was more than ready to get out of the car.

"Thanks mally, i might or might not be here when yall get back" she reached foward to dap him and Zeek up while Kameron got out so she could slide out.

"Bye Kammy" she said waving at him as she walked up to the door, just as she was about to turn back around she saw Mikah getting out and getting his bags out of the trunk.

When he set them on the curb the boys drove off.

"Oh hell no." Mai mumbled getting her key out to unlock the door.

Yes she had a key, Gina made sure she had one.

When she walked it she held the door for Mikah.

"Hurry up man, im hungry and tired." She groaned.

"What the fuck you think i am then?" Mikah mugged her.

"Hush up with allat cussin" Gina came around the corner.
"Aweee hey babbyyyy, you look so tired come in." She pouted at her eldest son.

"Hey boo" she kissed Mai's cheek "cmon i got yo plate ina microwave, gon head and eat then go take a nap before you leave." She told Mai.

"Yes ma'am." Mai nodded and headed for the kitchen while bumping Mikah on the way.

He just shook his head and watched her walk away.

Hope you are doing well, staying safe. 😃
Kithes, bye 😚

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