Chapter Thirty-Four

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yeah boy, this one real important.
click the star!
*sorry for any mistakes*
don't be afraid to comment!

Two Months Later
Friday Afternoon

"fuck the police coming straight from the underground..." Lillian bopped her head as she cleaned the apartment she not long came back up from Darline, it was her turn to clean. Maia cleaned it last week.

She sighed going to change the playlist.

Lillian clicked on her new day r&b playlist and shuffled it.

"If we could live in this moment...and just hold it, keep my head on your chest, I'd never leave this bed.."

After picking up the broom, she swept the living room.

"The flowers will be blooming, the leaves will be turning, and snow will be falling while we're making love and the sun will be shining, the flowers still are blooming, then leaves will turn again"

Lillian sang along as she swept the dust into the dustpan, putting the broom and dustpan aside she walked into the kitchen and picked up the microfiber cloth and disinfecting spray and walked back to spray down the coffee table.

"ohhh, cover the window, and come uncover me, lets forget the world even exists, cause nothing compares to this"

She heard a knock on the door and walked towards it holding her taser.

"who is it ?" She called out.

"me who else?" Amaree called out.

When Lillian pulled the door open she was tackled by a small child.

"Lilly!" Melody smiled at her.

"Hi baby" Lillian smiled picking her up and walking into the living room leaving her father behind.

"Well hello to you too." Amaree closed the door and locked it.

"Hi." Lilly smiled at him from the couch where she sat with a nearly three year old. He smiled back.

"what yall doing here?" Lilly asked as Melody played with the necklace around Lilly's neck.

Maree shrugged "ma'am over there kept asking for you and I knew that you were doing nothing today, so here we are."

Lilly nodded "You want a snack pretty ?" she asked Melody

"Yes please." The toddler nodded.

"Okay come on, let's see what snacks we have in the basket for you" Lilly answered placing Melody on the floor and taking hold of her hand making her way to the kitchen.

Amaree shook is head and sat down on the couch.

Melody ran back out to her father "you want snack ?"

He shook his head "No baby thank you" He kissed her cheek before she ran back to the kitchen.


20 minutes later Lillian sat on the couch and let Melody climb into her lap, she finished cleaning then took a shower while the two were watching Peppa Pig.

"Ou i like this episode" Lillian got excited.

Amaree looked at her "What is a big woman like you watching peppa pig"

"Man you know this show good too." She nodded

"Whatever, you ready for school to start back ?"

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