Chapter Nine

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Four days later.


Saturday Morning.

Mai swept across the kitchen floor with a broom in her hand vibing to Lauryn Hill.

"Unsure of what the balance held
I touched my belly overwhelmed
By what I had been chosen to perform..."

It was currently 11:30 and she had been cleaning since 9:00.

She didn't have a plan on what she wanted todo today, she knew that she wanted to see Leanna and go supply shopping for a few things considering that school was starting in a few weeks, meaning just under a month.

She started at the living room then worked her way down the hallway to the second bedroom, then hers, the kitchen and then the bathroom for last, so she could take her shower after cleaning. It was a weird sequence but it worked for her.

She put the broom back and went to wash up the small amount of dishes that were in the sink.

"Now the joy of my world
Is in Zion Zion, Zion!
Now the joy of my world
Is in Zion! Zion, uhh, Zion!"

She hummed along grabbing the spcrubdaddy, she grabbed the plate that she had used to put she to put her breakfast on.

While she was washing the dishes she let her mind wonder off..

"What the fuck are you doing" Mikah screwed up his face.

"Picking another movie." She looked back at him on the couch.

He laughed "why the fuck you all up in the tv's business?" He continued to laugh.

"I CAN'T FIND MY DAMN SPECTACLES " she shouted at him.

"Wait wait-" he laughed. "You can't find cant find your whattt?" He cackled.

"You yuh jackass. My glasses." She straight faced him.

"why the hell you call them spectacles" he started to calm down.

"I don know..." she laughed a bit "it does soun betta dan glasses" she shrugged not realising that the accent came out, it had been doing that a lot. Mikah liked that.

He pointed at her "you a dumbass." He shook his head getting up to go toget a snack.

"GET ME THE SHIRLEYS AND MAUBY PLEASE" she shouted as she stood infront of the tv looking for a movie to watch.

"Uhuh." He told her getting brownies.

She enjoyed spending time with him. She knew that she was catching feelings, or the feelings that were always there were resurfacing, and fast too.

Mai never really focused on boys, she never found a reason too, she was always busy working, spending time with Darline and Gina or hanging out with Leanna, Jamal and occasionally the boys.

Plus, she didn't see the point in it, of course if her friends were to develop feelings for someone or get into a relationship, she would fully support them, but Mai herself, just never made an effort in that department.

Boys had approached her even the girls at one point but she just shut it all down.

Maybe because she was never really ov-

She shook her head at the thought and finished up the dishes when she realized that an all time favourite was blasting through her speaker.

"It feels like ooh
But you don't know my name
And I swear it, baby, it feels like ooh ,Ooh, ooh, ooh but you don't know my name
('Round and 'round and 'round we go, will you ever know?)"

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