Chapter Sixteen

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*Sorry for any mistakes*

Two days later

Monday Evening

"Me granny tell me, from me a likkle baby
He that keepeth his mouth, shall stay out a problem"

Music played quietly in the background as Mai finished up an assignment for the lit class.

"And done." She scrolled up to the top of the page to get ready to proof read.

"Oh dreaaaaadd!
Your mouth ah go put you inna problem
(Wah wah wah ah ha)
Big big problem
Oh dreaaaaadd!
I say, you mouth ah go put you inna problem" Mai hummed along.

A knock sounded off at her door.

"Bet it's this dumbass" she got up from the dining room table.

Opening the door with a smile on her face but was met with a sad looking Jamal, her smile instantly dropped.

"What's wrong ?" She closed the door behind him going to the couch.

"He's back man, he just..shit." Jamal shook his head.

"Yo father ?" She asked.

He nodded his head and Mai sighed.

"When did he pop up ?" She asked getting comfortable.

"Like today, i got home and he was there sittin on the steps man, like he just won't leave us alone..."

Him and Mikah didn't have the same father but Henry, Jamal's father always treated him like Mikah was his own. Up to about five years ago everything was fine. Henry lost his job and went into a state of depression. The man would drink, and ended up turning to drugs and Gina refused to have any sort of person with that behavior around her boys, so she got a divorce and a restraining order. He would leave them along but pop up every once in a while to beg for money or "check up" on them as he would say.

Everyone was glad that Gina stopped it where it was because god knows if she allowed it to go any further that he very well could have become physical.

Jamal took it hard, he watched his father go from a loving man that was happy and spent time with his family to nobody. He was sad.

Mikah on the other hand was just purely angry at the man, he never shed a tear over the situation, he was around sixteen when the whole thing went down, in the midst of his adolescence, everytime that Henry showed up and Mikah was around, expect hell to break loose.

"So he was just sittin there ?" She asked softly.

"Yeah" Jamal nodded, "but...he looked..he looked clean Mai, he didn't look high, he didn't look drunk, he looked like how he used to be, that's what's fuckin me up." He sighed.

"Yo- you tried talkin to him Mal ?"

"Nah, i- I can't." He shook his head

"Yes you can." Mai nodded.

"I don think i can." He looked at her, her heart broke, he looked broken.

"I think you can, i bet when you spoke to Leanna she told you the same thing. Give him the benefit of the doubt, im not sayin to go around and hold hands skippin around...go to the lil diner place that just opened up the street and sit and have some waffles or some shit and talk okay ?"

Jamal chuckled "Anna told me the same thing" he shook his head.

"As she should." Mai laughed. "Mama know ?" Mai asked.

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