I Do

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Before we get this started I would like to say that I have never written a wedding scene. I've never been to one in fact. So I'm so sorry if this is horrible. I'm gathering all my knowledge about weddings I read and putting it into this chapter. Enjoy the wedding of TsukkiYama. Also I'm basing this off another tik tok I saw about TsukkiYama wedding. @nejihugaswife<that's her tik tok. Go check it out.

Third pov:

Tsukishima was scared. Terrified would be another word of understanding. He never thought the day would come to where he is marrying the love of his life. His childhood friend, Yamaguchi Tadashi.

He was pretty sure he wasn't going to be like this. Yesterday he kept telling himself that everything was going to be ok.

He was going to marry Tadashi and pray to god that those two idiots (Kageyama and Hinata)won't do anything stupid and ruin the wedding. If they did nobody would find their bodies. He'll make sure of it.

Kuroo pov:

"What is he doing?"

"I dont know bro. I looks like he's in deep thought."

Me and Bokuto looked over at Tsukishima, who was in a corner looking miserable. We thought he'll be more calm but now it looks like someone his whole life was a lie.

"We need to go over to and say something to him. If we dont he might not even stand at the alter."

"Ok you go first and I'll back you up." Bokuto pushed me towards Tsukishima.

We started walking to our blonde friend who was still in the corner. I hesitated before tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hey tsukki you alright man. You look like the world is ending bro."

"Yeah bro, tell us what's wrong?"

Tsukishima sighed before speaking, "To be completely honest with you two I'm scared."

Me and Bokuto looked at each other in shock.

"What are you scared about?" Bokuto asked.

"I'm just scared about everything. What is something goes wrong? What if theres something that Tadashi doesn't like? What if Tadashi says no? I'm just scared that the littlest thing will ruin today."

Me and Bokuto were shocked before but now we're shooked. We never thought that Tsukishima would open up to us.

"Tsukishima dont be scared. I'm pretty sure that nothing will happen today. You'll have a nice wedding with yamaguchi, eat some cake and then go home and-"

"Ok kuroo I think I get it." Tsukishima stood up and brushed himself off.

"Kuroo's right bro. Besides yamaguchi's probably freaking out more than you."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Tsukishima said.

Suga pov:

I expected yamaguchi to be freaking out right now. I expected him pacing around worrying about how the wedding would go and us comforting him. But no.

Right now yamaguchi is sitting in a chair reading a book.


How? I know on my wedding day I was crying my eyes out worrying that something bad would happen. But not yamaguchi. It seemed that this was just another normal day for him.

"Um Suga, I think you should go talk to him. He's probably freaking out on the inside." Hinata said.

"Yeah I'll go talk to him. There's no telling what's going inside his head right now." I started walking towards yamaguchi.

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