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In the beginning: You were sitting in your room doing your homework and listening to music. It was late so your eyes were getting heavy, and on top of that your mom told you that you were moving to New York City so that made you mad. You truly liked your city, and didn't want to move. But you were moving next week so you couldn't do anything about it.

The next week:
"Do you got everything?", You mom asked for the fiftieth time.
"Mom I can assure you I have everything packed," you reminded her.
"Ok then let's get on our way," you mom said.
Your car was loaded with all of your stuff, and you were ready to go. You got into your car and plugged in your earbuds and started listening to you favorite band. You gloomily looked out your car window. You were so mad that you had to leave.
"Whatever.." You said when you were leaving for good.

A few hours later: by then you where asleep. You felt a tap on your leg and you jolted up.
"Hmm?." You asked half asleep.
"We are here," your mom said.
You fully opened you eyes. The first thing you saw was the lights. There were so many lights. You kept staring at all the people and their cars. You couldn't wait to fall asleep in a bed though.
When you arrived you found that your new living space, was a apartment. Your mom shut off your car and you grabbed a few of your belongings. She led you up many stairs into the apartment and she had to get out a key to unlock the door. She walked in first but you were close behind. She flicked on a light and it lit up the apartment. There was a big window on one of the walls, with a great view of the city.
"There's your room," your mom said pointing to a door.
You walked over to it and walked in greeted by a bare room. All there was in the room was a bed, closet, and again, a huge window with a good view.
"Oh, well this room is better than my old one." You said remembering your old room. You sat down all the boxes you were carrying. But this new room had just white walls and a dark carpet that was surprisingly soft. The room had a sharp clean scent of cleaning products. It was a little cold in the room but you had some blankets.
You were really hungry from the road trip, so you just decided to have cereal. You walked out of your room to your fridge and found that you had no milk. Your mom was sleeping by then but you really wanted cereal, so you decided to go down to the gas station down the road for milk. "Mom will probably be happy that I got milk for tomorrow anyway," you said while grabbing the keys and money. You never took off your jacket or shoes so that's what you wore. You started off your journey fine, but it was the way back that gave you trouble.

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