Meeting him

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You were struggling to get home with this milk jug in a plastic bag.
"Ughh." You groaned. "This sucks!" You kept repeating to yourself. About halfway to your apartment you heard someone in an alley, which made you stop.
"Give me your purse and I won't shoot you!" A figure said while stepping out. It was a man, who appeared to be homeless. "Wh-wha" you mumbled while you were staring at the hole of the pistol he was holding. You were freaking out. "DID YOU HEAR ME?!?!" He screamed. "GIVE ME YOUR BAG!" He repeated. You just stood there mesmerized. Then things took a turn for the worst, he shot off the pistol. You looked down and saw your arm slowly grow start to turn maroon. You dropped the milk and you fell over after on the cold hard pavement, passed out from blood loss.

You woke up in a dark room laying on a mat. You sat up but quickly but then realized that wasn't a good idea because of your arm, you looked down at it and it was wrapped up in a cloth bandage. "Ow.. H-hello?" You said.
"Oh you woke up!" A voice said back, from a male.
"Who said that? Look if you want to kill me make it quick," you replied
"I'm not going to hurt you, in fact I actually helped you and saved your purse," it said when your purse landed in front of you.
"Wellll can you come out?" You asked.
"I'm afraid I can't, you will be afraid," he said.
"Oh come on please I just want to see you and thank you," you said
"You sure you won't freak out?" He said
"No I won't, I'm not mean like that," you said
After you said that he walked out from the darkness, but he wasn't human, he was a turtle!
"Wooah.." You whispered
"You can scream now," he said looking down frowning
"I'm not going to scream," you said. Then you added "the name is (y/n)"
"Mines Leonardo, but call me Leo" he smiled.
"Well ..leo.. My mom is going to kill me because I'm not home," you said.
"Oh I could uh carry you back to your apartment?" Leo offered while rubbing the back of his neck
"Yeah that would be good," you said.
So leo came over to you and lifted you up from the mat. You groaned at the pain in your arm.
Leo was running with you in his arms going through alleys and past buildings until the area seemed familiar, then before you knew it you were at your apartment. You pointed at your window then leo landed on the fire escape by the window. He opened it with one hand then set you down slowly on the bed. You were comforted by the mattress.
"Um I should go but text me or call me anytime you need help," Leo said and quickly put a slip of paper on your table by your bed. Along with your purse he was carrying. Then he left as quickly as he came. "...bye Leo," you whispered but he was gone.

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