Part 2 - fyodor dostoevsky

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You open your eyes dazily as your body was resting on a very comfy bed. 'so was it all just a dream?' you think to yourself. You got up and felt a sting on your cheek. Quickly putting your hand on it, you groan in pain and you suddenly felt completely awake. "Ah, so you've awoken," a deep sweet voice spoke nearby. You panic and as you look around the room, you realize you're not in your own room! Turning your head to the voice, you saw the man from yesterday sitting on a chair with a book in his hand. That's when you realize you were wearing.. a cozy white dress with long sleeves? "W-wait where are my clothes?!" you suddenly panic and jumped out of the bed. You realize someone had undressed you while you were passed out! You noticed the man smirking slightly and closed his book. "They're in the bathroom waiting for you. The water should be warm and ready for you now," he said. You stomped over to him and pouted, "did you undress me?!" Fyodor gave a slight chuckle and stood up. "Is that a problem? you seemed kind of cold in that outfit of yours.." he spoke with a hint of a tease in his voice. You felt embarrassed as your cheeks flushed, "y-you pervert....." you glared at him. He simply laughed. You walk in the bathroom feeling rage swell up inside you but it soon went away as you see your clothes neatly folded, and a new shampoo and conditioner, as well as some fresh towels waiting for you. You felt slightly uncomfortable showering in a strangers house but you had to clean up.

You looked in the mirror and noticed a bandage over your cheek and felt kind of bad. "He.. he did all this?" You walk in the luxurious shower and began to calm down. After a bit you came out and put a towel around you. You noticed some lotion ready for you and put some on. "W-wow I'm not used to this kind of treatment.." You then come out, but the man wasn't in the room anymore. You noticed a new black dress sitting on your bed and put it on. 'This man is actually not that bad..' you think to yourself as you walk downstairs.

You look around you and gasp. 'Is this a mansion?!" You hear a violin playing nearby and a delicious aroma filling your nose. A table with a beautiful red cloth and food that made your stomach growl intensely just by looking at them were placed. You see the man from earlier sitting there looking relaxed as he listened to the violin played by another man with long white hair.

The man who saved your life looked up at you as you sat down before him. You blushed a bit feeling embarrassed in the dress you were wearing. "So you decided to wear it? That makes me quite happy," he said smirking slightly. You began to casually eat the food set before you and felt your mouth melt from the taste. You try to hide that you enjoy the food but your body won't listen to you. The heard the man chuckle quietly as he finally began eating his food as well.

You look up at him carefully to observe him as he ate. He was.. actually kind of handsome. His eyes were a beautiful shade of dark purple, he was tall, and smelled like vodka. His white uniform and black cloak really suited him. He was probably a russian. You noticed him grin as you watched him and immediately looked away blushing, hoping he didn't see you watching him. "U-um were you the one that s-saved me?" you said clutching your fork tightly. The man put his fork down and sipped some wine. "Hm.. maybe, why ask?" he smiled.

"W-well I was just curious.. Um.. I really appreciate everything you did for me.. I'm not used to being treated so kindly.." you looked a bit upset. "I-I- um I'm really grateful.. if it wasn't for you I'd probably be dead.. not that it would've made much of a difference if i was" you shuffled nervously in your chair. The man put his glass down and got up from his chair. "Why do you seem so upset? It doesn't suit your beautiful face well," he walked over to you and you felt your body get really warm as he looked down at you. You were really close to him. "Are you trying to tell me you think you have no purpose in life?" You weren't used to being so close to someone and you felt your body feel really warm. The man looked upset for a moment as he spoke, "You poor thing.. this world has changed you hasn't it? Well then, I think it's time to change that thinking of yours." He looked deep in your eyes and your heart began beating quickly.

"I-I-" You felt something.. a feeling.. you haven't felt before. You tried to hide the flush on your cheeks but the man could read you like a book.

"My name is Fyodor Dostoevsky. Allow me to show you the beautiful side of this cruel world," he whispered in your ear. "You want to be loved, don't you?"

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