One day.

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"Carson get your ass up, it's 6:30." My mum yelled from downstairs, trying to get me up so I could go to the shit hole they call school. Once I sat up, I yelled loud enough for her to hear me "Bloody hell, mum. I'm up." I loved the fact my mother allowed me to use certain words around her, considering I'm an only child. I swung my feet off of the side of the bed, pulling myself to a standing position and slid over to my dresser, flicking on the original song I usually listen to. I feel so much better now that you're gone forever! The song sung loudly as I pulled off my PJ's and my boxers along with my white tank and socks, quickly grabbing a towel and heading to the bathroom which was directly across from my bedroom. Thank you house setting. I said thought to myself as I slipped through the bathroom door, quickly shutting it and heading straight to the tub, starting up the water slowly. Once the water was warm enough, I stepped in, smirking once the warm water hit my leg, causing goosebumps to form on my upper thighs and forearms. After a few minutes of just standing there and warming up, I look down to see my member standing straight up for some odd reason, without thinking twice I drop my hand down and wrap my palm around the shaft of myself, tugging slowly as I began to bite at my lip. Soon after, my cock began throbbing, my hand sped up on instinct, causing me to moan to myself "A-Ah..~ Fuck.. " I heard a knock on the door just as I had reached my climax, throwing my head back, tugging at my shaft one last time before rinsing the wall and myself off. "Carson, 10 minutes, love."  My mum said from the outside of the door, I nodded, hoping she'd get the hint and leave. After I heard her footsteps down the stairs, I shut off the shower and let out a long sigh, making my way from the warm tub, wrapping the towel around my waist, looking in the mirror to see my face extremely red. I shook it off and scurried to my bedroom considering my mother keeps it like -0 degree's in this place. Once I was in my room, I dropped my towel and slid on a pair of boxer briefs and a pair of black skinny's with a black PTV T-Shirt and a pair of platform converse. I put some gel into my hair and messed with it a bit before putting on Cologne and deodorant, I smelled myself before slipping on my sunglasses, a leather jacket, and grabbed my car keys, making my way down the stairs. "I'm heading going to head to school, mum. I love you." I said as I kissed her cheek, hugging her as she cooked pancakes and bacon "Not hungry, my love?" My mum said just as I made my way to my white Chevy, hopping in and putting the key in the ignition, starting it up and pressing on, smirking. It'll be a good day today I thought to myself.


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