~Escape plan 2~

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While you see your mom get snatched wildcard rubbed your back to calm you down so you don't rage and burst into flames but you just decided to relax and think happy thoughts and now it's just tech-no and lavagirl but then when lavagirl threw her lava one hit the aliens and the second on hit tech-no then you heard wildcard gasp and put his head down so you just decided to hug him and he hugs you back

(Wildcards POV)
When I seen the Flaira was sad because her mom got taken and I just comforted her so she stayed calm but then I looked up and my dad got taken as well so Flaira hugged me I don't know but since I liked her it felt like a dream come true so I just hugged her back

(Skip to when Mrs.Granada said to stay in your seats)

"How are we not meant to worried we just seen it take our parents"said noodles

"Emmmm guys"Missy said but no one heard her

"Noodles you got a better idea"Wildcard said

"GUYS"Missy says

"What"You and wildcard say at the same time

"We need to get out of here the aliens know where we are and they are coming for us next"Missy says

"Well how do you know that"wildcard said to Missy

"Well Ojo can I please borrow this (Ojo gives her iPad to missy) well Ojo drew a alien coming out off that vent"she says while pointing at it

"Well I think she's got a point"you say

"Well I'm not following"Wildcard says

"Well if you want to come your free to join me"Missy says

(Everyone says there in but it's just you and wildcard left to choose)

"Ok well I'm in as long as we save our parents and what about you Wildcard?"you say

"I'm only going so Flaira can mess with my hair and save our parents"wild card said

You smile at him and he smiles back

(Skip to when your running to the train thing)

"Noodles the key card"you said while noodles stretched and swiped the card and you all got inside

"Emmm guys you know that this train will only take us to the front on the HQ and then they will catch us for sure"rewind says

"He's right emmmm a Capella make us fly"wildcard says

Then A Capella made yous fly and she did the X sign that she couldn't steer so noodles broke the window and turned the train the other way around

~My baby Wildcard~Where stories live. Discover now