You all split up

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Once wildcard and facemaker left you started to cry but obviously Holl dint give a shit about you (soz for the bad language)

"Ok guys just forget about him we need to stop this take over"Missy said

Then all of yous leave and all you can think about i how wildcard just dumped you but you remember that you should stay strong and forget about that and concentrate on saving the world so all of you start running but then you get trapped buy Mrs.Granada's aliens and they all fight you and you took away their keys s they can't lock you up again while Wildcard and facemaker are still by themselves

(Wildcards pov)
"I can't believe i just did that to Flaira she was the best thing that ever happened to me and now that she is gone i am nothing without her"wildcard says sadly

"But bro why did you do that she love you with all her heart ad you break up with her like that,thats so messed u man"facemaker says but then wildcard got mad and they both went separate ways but pranked Mrs.Granada to think that facemaker is wildcard but wildcard new that missy told him if anything happens go to the room where everything is connected

(A/n here i know it's confusing but just bare with me cu I wanna get this finished cuz i have a good idea for my next one)

Then while you and the others reach to the metal pyramid something red went over it s wheels went to go check it out no he shouted a force field and then rewind said but no one else is in here except us who have done this then Ojo decided to talk and proceed to say that she is the one who did it and everyone as shocked that sh talked

"Wait Ojo you just talked"you say surprised

"I could always talk but i just decided to observe and what a heard as chaos,dysfunction just like your parents"she says

"But thats not true we worked together"missy says

"Then here is wildcard?"she asked

"Well that's a good question hey buddy wildcard you there"missy says and everyone gets confused

"Hey missy and the others"Wildcard says

You can kinda hay that he is safe but at the same time you remember th you not together anymore

"Ok so now i jus have to figure a way to remove the force field" Wildcard says

"Knowing the aliens it's probably a picture of a shield'' wheels said

Then wildcard pressed the shield picture and the force field disappeared

(Time skip)
You fight Ojo and her drawings missy almost died and you out out that Ojo is an alien spy that Granada works for and you defeat them and the pyramid penned and your parents came out

"Omg dad,mom missed you"you say while you ru to them and hug them no everyone ones the same while you go p to missy an thank her for being a good leader an help save your parents hen you dad tells you to turn around and you see wildcard

"Her Flaira I'm sorry for what i did to you earlier i know you might no forgive me but thats fine"he says sadly but you decided o prank him and turn your back he looks with opened eyes and walked away but then you ran back t him and hugged him from the back

"I will always forgive you wild and no its y/n for you ok"you say in a happy tone while he turned around

"So y/n I was just wondering if you-you would like to be my g-girlfriend again but it's fin"he gets cut of by you kissing him then you stop

"Does that answer your question"you say

"Yes,yes it does"he says

And there was a a happy ever after between all of the kids the end

A/n:heyyy guys so I hope you guys likes this one because I loved writing it for you and all he funny comments I've been getting mostly from @ZoeGarcia860 all her comments are to funny so thank you all for reading this I woke up one day and I seen 1k reads thank you but I will be making a new one again based on you and wildcard and everyone else but not in the HQ ❤️❤️ love you all I can't reply because it won't let me but ye byeeee

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