-training 3-

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A/n:so one girl asked how would Holly kill us what I meant it not like really kill but she might make you hurt yourself sorry if your going through that in real life but ye I just wanted to address that ❤️❤️

You got mad but you noticed that wildcard was not doing anything about it so you just for get about him and go out side and train

A big red robot came up to you so you started fighting it and then it disappeared and you felt someone staring at you so you look back and you see Wildcard staring at you so you just role yourself eyes and walk way

"Emm y/n what's up with you and wildcard"fastforward asked

"Emm well i don't know because Holly is just all over him like their together but you know I'm sad and all but I'll get over it"you say with confidence

You turn around and the most unexpected thing happened you seen WILDCARD AND HOLLY KISSING you got so made that you lit up in flames so noodles came up to you

"Hey Flaira I know wildcard isn't here to help you but I am and I just need you to calm down for me ok"he says

"Ok only cuz your one of my best friends" so you calm down

"I think I'm just going to go be alone for a minute"you say sadly

Then Noodles comes up to Wildcard

"Dude omg what is your problem are you out of your mind y/n likes you I know it then you go and do this"noodles says disappointed

"Well I don't love her anymore no I have Holly in my life now so who cares"he says

"OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS I HAVE HELPED YOU THIS HOLE ENTIRE TIME THINKING YOU WOULD BE A GOOD AND COOL FRIEND BUT I WAS WRONG I'm sorry but we can't be friends no more"noodles says and walks away while Wildcard was in shock

(Wildcards POV)
Well now me and noodles friendship is over this is the worst day of my life I lost Flaira and now Noodles this is bad this is really bad I need to tell Holly I can't do is anymore even tho I love y/n I can't see her hurt like this she is my best friend and crush after all

(Your POV)
Omg I can't believe he actually got with my enemy and then just forget about me like what is wrong with him but it's no worries I'm a bad bit- ye I'm one of those so I'm gonna get revenge on that big blue fish Holly

Then when you were still thinking Holly was calling wildcard bae and baby like she needed his attention so he went over to her and she sat on his lap but when she saw you coming back she started kissing wildcard like crazy (I don't mean it like that ok so don't think I'm weird please) then she noticed that you saw her but you try not to cry cuz you a bad bit- but you could hold it in no more so you ran into your room and guppy comes over to you because she always makes you happy

"Hey sissie it's fine I know you like him and hits really hard to let go so let's go eat ice cream ok"she says happily

"Ok guppy but only because you to cute and I and say no"you say to her smiling

After the ice cream wildcard attempted to walk up to you and talk and this is how it goes

"Em hey y/n"he says shyly

"It's Flaira to you now"you say meaning
"And why are you here shouldn't you be with your little girlfriend"you say with sass

"Em how do I say this emmm look y/n oh emmm Flaira I like you a lot and I wish I could tell you want happened but now noodles is not my friend anymore and fastforward doesn't even like me no one does"he says kinda sad

"Well it's not my fault that you went to be with my enemy is it no it's not I liked you a lot but you know now I really don't want to like you because of you breaking my heart

Then wildcard zoned out
"Wait omg she liked me nooo I messed up really bad I need to go tell Holly I can't do this no more"he says and zoned back to you

"Look I'm really sorry Flaira I didn't mean to break your heart and I would never even forgive myself for what I've done also do you mind if I go so I can talk to Holly for a sec"he says

"Well I can't stop you she is your girlfriend after all so go you her"you say while walking away

Then wildcard runs over to Holly and goes for a talk

"Hey Hollyone says

"Hey baby"she replied

"Ye don't call me that again I'm sorry Holly but I can't do this anymore I have really hurt Flaira and I like her a lot so it's over ok"he says

"Ugh so your really gonna leave me for that smelly fish"she says annoyed

"She is not smelly she has a lovely flower sent and ye so I guess I will head out now"she says while leaving

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