Meeting The Man Made of Light

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-Evelyn's Thoughts-
Fate Personified Speaking
~Elven Language~
*Foreign Languages*
(Just easier this way than trying to find the translation in the foreign language since sometimes translators aren't accurate & I don't wish to upset someone who is fluent by messing it up and it be complete nonsense.)

Disclaimer: Only my OC belongs to me and the storyline about my OC. Twilight, True Blood & Dragon Age or any other thing I may reference (animes, pictures, etc) do not belong to me.


Evelyn POV:

I felt strange like I was floating, but the last thing I remember was going to sleep in my soft bed. Even though my bed was soft and comfortable, I knew I would never feel as I was floating on it.

I try to recall what I did before bed. I remember giving Stefan his night time medicine & making sure he remembered not to go to bed too late streaming himself playing L.O.L (League of Legends) all night.

Then I did my nightly routine of getting ready for bed and FaceTimed Ryan for a bit to see how my little brother was doing in college. I always worried about him being so far away from the family, especially after what happened to Stefan.

After saying our good nights to each other, I settled myself in bed. I had grabbed the current book I was reading from my nightstand, The Hobbit, and read till I felt my eyes grow heavy.

Finally laying back to go to sleep and my last thoughts were -I hope this feeling I'm having doesn't end up being something bad, but good since I could use a little more good about now- as I fell asleep.

Now here I am floating somewhere and finally finding the courage to open my eyes.

Darkness was all I could see causing me to panic. -Did I die in my sleep?! I'm still too young to die! I haven't had the chance to fall madly in love and get married & have children yet!-

I worried for my family, we had gone through so much together after Stefan's car accident and the events that followed. Fear for my family going through more emotional pain ran through my mind.

Who would find my dead body come morning? My parents? Stefan? Would my mom come to check on me? When I usually had a pot of coffee & breakfast made for my parents to have before work. Maybe it would be my little brother that would find me, wondering why I never came with his morning medicine & telling him to get up that his breakfast was ready.

My heart was aching for my beloved family. Having to go through losing me after going through so much. Having to call Ryan that spoke to me the night before to tell him I died in my sleep. -At least I didn't die a painful death. Although if floating in complete darkness is the afterlife I was going to lose my mind. Is this Hell I didn't think I did anything that bad to end up in hell...-

"You are not in Hell." A deep loud voice echoed in the darkness. Then a bright light came out of nowhere from quite a distance from me. The closer it got to me the more the light to the shape of... -A MAN?! What I didn't say out loud! Can he hear my thoughts?!-

3rd Person POV:

Evelyn was slightly shocked before she stood before a man made of light! He had no noticeable features, but the shape of this person was clearly male. As was their voice.

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