The Angel & Swan Head To Forks

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-Evelyn's Thoughts-
Fate Personified Speaking
~Elven Language~
*Foreign Languages*
(Just easier this way then trying to find the translation in the foreign language since sometimes translators aren't accurate & I don't wish to upset someone who is fluent by messing it up and it be complete nonsense.)

Disclaimer: Only my OC belongs to me and the storyline about my OC. Twilight, True Blood & Dragon Age or any other thing I may reference (animes, pictures, etc) do not belong to me.


Evelyn POV:

-The time has finally come. The beginning of Twilight.-

That was all that kept going through my head this morning. I had started getting everything prepared for this moment in time. For when Twilight would begin. Everything I could think of doing I did.

I made sure Bella would at least have a backbone this time and wouldn't let anyone walk all over her. Though even after all the defense classes, TaeKwonDo, and other classes Bella was still clumsy. Not as much as she was in the stories thankfully, but still quite clumsy.

The books and movies got three things right though Bella was really shy. That shyness is what made her awkward with people she didn't know. Which would make her a bit self conscious, but I would nip it in the butt every time. Before it got out of hand.

Bella also still hates anything cold and wet. So when we were younger I came up with a brilliant idea. We would spend half the summer in Washington with Charlie and the other half with Sookie in Louisiana. Being the "mom" of my new family I made sure Adele was alright with this, which she was, then told Charlie.

Charlie thought it was a brilliant plan since he was the Chief of Police, he was always busy. Being as young as we were at the time, he didn't like the thought of leaving us home alone. Even as quiet as a small town like Forks was.

Bella loved this idea as well because it meant she wouldn't be in cold rainy Forks all summer and she would get to see Sookie too. So none of the "adults" would worry about how much money this would cost each summer I would cover it. Though I told Charlie and Adele that it was money my parents left me for vacation money. 

True my parents left me all they owned and a lot of money in their will. I had decided long ago to only use it for emergencies, or if something called for it. Like having Charlie renovate his house to better fit all of us when I was ten.

Telling him that now that Bella and I were older we need our own rooms and he wouldn't want to share a bathroom with two teenage girls in the future. Not to mention at the age of ten I had found in my parents things a letter they had left for me and Charlie in case something happened to them. Saying to use some of the money they left behind to add on and renovate Charlie's house since he would be taking me into his home.

After reading my parents letter with Charlie, sharing a few hugs and tears together. He had agreed to renovate the house. Since it seemed Renee had rubbed off on me with my hobby at the moment being interior design. Though in reality it was more all the skills I had obtained over the years from other people's memories and abilities, but Charlie didn't need to know that. Charlie had let me have control of the renovation designs with some of his input for what he wanted.

Since I already had connections in the supernatural world. I had hired a construction company of supernaturals to do the renovation on not only Charlie's house, but the Lavellan house as well.

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