mystery guest

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Leon: im sorry

Vilu: sorry isn’t good enough, this will hurt my son! Take your stupid house, your stupid money! Take everything and stay away from my son! Give me your car keys then leave!

Leon: can we talk please baby

Vilu: you got our hopes up and then you leave

Leon: I will be back

Vilu: when will you return?

Leon: 13th February

Vilu: the day before our wedding, am I ment to plan our wedding without you

Leon: I will plan the wedding, all you got to do is buy your dress and pick your bridesmaids

Vilu: but the whole point of planning the wedding is to do it together so its perfect

Leon: it will be perfect, I promise

Vilu: fine but me and dorado is living here in the apartment

Leon: if you insist

Vilu: I guess this is goodbye

Leon: yeah, goodbye for now

Vilu: (kissed him) see you at our wedding (he left and dorado came home)

A few weeks later, dorado was at nursery and vilu was writing songs alone in the apartment then the doorbell rings

Vilu: (opened the door) hey, why are you here

???: I’m back, for you (smiles)

Short chapter but guess who is at the door

Violetta GoldenWhere stories live. Discover now