te creo

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Fran: hey! How are you

Vilu and Leon: great

Diego: hows Maria

Leon: amazing! She is beautiful

Fran: well she and dorado have a great gene pool

Vilu: (laughed) yeah, I’m in it you see (jokingly) and the daddy is fantastic too

Leon: I hope they sing

Fran: well their parents are fantastic singers

Vilu: yeah, it’s a shame that I never got the chance to show the world my music

Leon: (cuddled her) don’t worry, they will hear you

Diego: you can always sing

Leon: yeah, whatever you want to do I will support you 100% of the time

Vilu: thank you baby, I love you

Leon: no problem princess

Fran: you are the perfect couple

Leon: that’s because vilu is half of the couple

Vilu: I trained you well

Leon: yeah

Diego: at least im not that trained

Fran: you will get you trained, I will get tips from vilu

Leon: good luck man

Vilu: you’ll need it

Pablo: (goes up on stage and says) can I have everyones attention please

Everyone cheers

Pablo: so today is a special day as we all are together

Everyone cheers

Pablo: so lets get you guys doing what you do best, performing! Come on up vilu, Leon, Fran, Diego, naty, maxi, andre, Camilla, Broadway, ludmilla, Federico, Alex and gery please come up and perform please (they went up and sung friends till the end) thank you guys! That was amazing!

Beto: (came up on stage) I miss you so much

Everyone smiles

Vilu: (goes up on stage) hey, together are a empire that can change the world, lets celebrate the union at this reunion

Leon: I totally agree with my wifie

Everyone clapped

Herman: (went up on stage) so, we have a very special guests here with us today, its my gorgeous wife and my daughters mum, some people know her as Maria saramego but her nickname is scarlet! Please welcome to the stage, my wife scarlet! (everyone clapped, all of them went off the stage and scarlet went onto the stage, scarlet started to sing)

Scarlet sang te creo

Everyone clapped and she went off stage then everyone socialized

Ludmilla: (came over to vilu) hello

Vilu: hi, what’s up

Ludmilla: me and my mum aren’t talking anymore

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