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At 9 pm they got vilu back into her room

Leon, Camilla and Broadway was there

Doctor: the results will arrive tomorrow morning

Leon: thank you so much

Doctor: she is exorcized

Leon: thank you, I will take care of my wife now

Doctor: ok, I will leave you to it (left)

Leon: I will lye down next to my wife (cuddled up to her and she was covered in blood tests and cuts)

Camilla: how is she

Leon: not well

Broadway: how does she feel

Leon: to be honest, broken

Broadway: it can only get better from here

Leon: that's what I thought, but then she got hit by a car, what if she is permeantly hurt, what if she has long term damage

Camilla: no, that wont happen, in a month's time, you, vilu, dorado and Maria would be on a beautiful beach, on holiday

Leon: I doubt that

Broadway: just calm down

Leon: no, I need my wife back! What if Camilla was in violettas situation and you seen her suffering

Broadway: and I get that but

Leon: but nothing! Now leave, don't you think that I need support at the moment but you don't support us in this

Broadway: fine (Camilla and Broadway left)

Leon kissed her and fell asleep

The next morning

Herman, scarlet and Angie was there with vilu and Leon

She was awake

Angie: how are you

Vilu: better than yesterday, I hated those tests

Herman: was they harsh

Vilu: yeah, I just need the results

Doctor: (walked in) hello, how you feeling today

Vilu: better than yesterday

Doctor: well we have got your results

Leon: what are they

Vilu: I need to know

Doctor: the pain is normal

Herman: and

Doctor: can I talk to Leon and Violetta Vargas in private

Herman: fine (everyone left)

Leon: what is it

Doctor: there is a 30 percent of you not fertilizing again, we have to run some tests but I wanted to tell you alone as I know this is just between you two, but there is a 70 percent chance of you being fertile

Vilu: is there any chance that I can be more fertile

Leon: we do want to have more kids

Vilu: hey hey hey I wasn't saying that

Doctor: ok, you can have that conversation later but we are fairly sure we can sort this situation out of you

Leon: thank you and we really appreciate you telling us in private, we want to keep this to ourselves

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