the herman explination

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Leon: o that’s a touchy subject

Vilu: please stop talking (André came) hey André

Leon: hey André

André: how are you

Leon: we are good

André: i haven’t seen you much Leon (talked for a few hours then André left)

Leon: so tell me what is wrong with you and your dad

Vilu: I don’t want to talk to you about it, its complicated

Leon: please tell me

Vilu: ok, sit down, you need to know I guess, (Leon and her sat down on the sofa) when my dad found out that I was pregnant he throw me out the house and forbid any family members to get in contact with me, I haven’t heard from them since, they don’t know if I had a boy or a girl or if I got the child adopted (cried) I don’t even know if he is in this country, I tried to get in contact with them and slept outside their house knocking on the door 8 months pregnant, since I had dorado I just realized that I can’t keep trying to get my family back, I needed to concentrate on my son, that’s important to me, I don’t know what they are doing, I wish dorado has his family but I have to keep saying to dorado that his family works all the time he is off nursery, I feel like I’m (crying more) im letting my son down, leon I never meant to let your son down, I did all I can, I had no money, no partner, no home at one point, I had to sofa surf then I started selling songs to make money, I shouldn’t be a mother, why, no child deserves what my flesh and blood has had to deal with. I named dorado after the fact of that I would do anything for him, life is hard, I want my life back to what it was like when you was last here, I found out that I was pregnant just a week after you left, it was horrible

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