Robby copes with alot of shit going thru his life but he makes it thru with his best-friend Hazel. They've been friends for a long time and been always there for each-other. What Hazel doesn't know is that she's slowly catching feelings for him whil...
I smiled as I look at his picture and place my phone on the sink top. " Why is he so cuteee" I squeal on top of my lungs. "Who's cute" I heard Miguel's voice right outside the bathroom. How did he come back so quickly? Wtf! " I .... the...... Tom Holland's face popped up on my phone cause my cousin is like obsessed with him" I say trying to not sound sus. " Oh okay. I placed the tampons u asked for on the bed" he replies with. "thank youuuu" I yell back and quickly step into the shower. I lean against the wet wall as the cramps worsened by the minute and the warm water streaming down my back. "Hey, is everything alright in there? I'm just asking because u have been in the shower for a long time" Miguel says as he knocks on the door causing me to flinch. "I'll be right out" I yell as I shut the shower tap. I step out the shower leaving my feet puddles behind me and wrapped myself with a towel before stepping out the bathroom. I look cautiously left and right to see if Miguel was around. The coast is clear so I sped into his room and shut the door quickly as I could. I lean my head against the door and sigh loudly. "Is everything alright?" Miguel asked causing me to jump and nearly letting go of the towel which was wrapped around me. "JESUS!" I yell, "Nope its just me. Miguel" he says. I close my eyes and take a breath in and out to calm myself. "Oh sorry. I'll just turn around" he says as he buries his head into his pillow. I roll my eyes and quickly inserted the tampon while the towel is still wrapped around me. I quickly grab onto the sweatpants and the jacket that laid on the bed and wore my bra. "okay I'm all done" I say as I zip the jacket half up. "Wow those clothes kinda fit you. wait haha its cause it used to be my mum's clothes and stuff" he rambles on.
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I smiled and and belly flopped onto the bed beside Miguel. "That was literally a feather landing on the bed" he says sarcastically. "hey" I say playfully and punch him on the shoulder. I smile at him and crawl under his blanket to fall asleep. "Goodnight Miggy" I say and crawl into a ball. "Night Night Princessa" he says as he takes off his shirt and tucks himself under the blanket aswell. Few hours passed by and I kept on rolling around in bed, trying to find the right position to fall asleep in. The silence was deafening as Miguel just watched me crawling around in the bed. "Alright that's it. I had it with your moving princessa" he says as he pulled me close to him by my waist and wrapped his arms around me. I was the little spoon and surprisingly I found it very comfortable as he was close to me. I could feel his faint breathing down my neck causing a tingly feeling and before I knew it, I fell asleep.
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