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I ran to the bathroom which is in my room and leave the bathroom door half open. I quickly take off my pyjamas, leaving myself in a bra and bike shorts. 

I turn on the shower and was about to get in

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I turn on the shower and was about to get in ... but then I hear Jaden knocking on the door "Yo Haze! Open up the door". SHIT SHIT SHIT, im literally panicking. Robby runs in the bathroom and gets into the shower and pulls the shower curtains across. "I'M IN THE SHOWER" I yell, "ALRIGHT I'M COMING INTO THE ROOM" Jaden yells back. I jump into the shower and pull the shower curtains across again. Now it was just me and Robby in the shower. It was quite funny actually because Robby was standing right under the shower head and getting drenched wet. "Haze. Imma come into the bathroom. Make sure the shower curtain is covering you" he says while entering the bathroom. I put my hand on Robby's mouth and he was just staring right at me. He put his hand on the back of my upper thigh and whispered, " jump up". I jumped up carefully and wrapped my legs around his waist. There was a tiny gap from under the shower curtains that would've exposed mine and Robby's legs. "Yo, I'm going to grab your laptop because I need to download movies. Imma sit on your bed until all the movies download" he says as he was rummaging through my bathroom cabinets. "wtf are u trying to find" I ask. "I need my shaving cream" he says. Robby noticed that it was in the shower and as he was about to grab it, he accidentally let go of me and lost balance. We both collapsed onto the shower hard marbleised floor, with me on top of him.

"Holy shit! Hazel! R u ok" Jaden says as he was about slide the shower curtains. "NO STOP! IM VERY NAKED! GET OUT THE BATHROOM AND CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND" I yell, panicking. "Are u sure ur ok? I'm going to wait on ur bed while the movies download" Jaden said. "YES. JUST LEAVE" I yell back and he leaves the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I look down at Robby as he laid there still and the water dripping down his soft silky skin. His hair had traces of brunette strands filled with water. SHIT he's unconscious. I lightly slap his face and no response, so I did it again. "Robby" I yell enough for him to hear me. "GOTCH YA" he jumps right at my face as I was on top of him. "YOU bitch" I say and playfully pushed him. I tried to act like I was mad at him to see his reaction. "Awww, was wiittle haze worried?" he says in a baby voice. "Shut up" I say and get up off him. "Im soweyy" he replies again with a baby voice staring up right at me. Ugh his cute adorable face is just so hard to not forgive him. I smiled at him and offered a hand to pull him up. He accepts my hand and stands up close against me. I felt his warm breath tingling against my neck, sending chills down my back. Am I falling for my befriend, ROBBY? 

UNEXPLAINED LOVE (ROBBY K and MIGUEL DIAZ)Where stories live. Discover now