"guys she awake"?🤔

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"what in the actual fuck happened here" Miguel says in shock.

"what do you think" I yell while panicking my ass off. Miguel kneels down and puts his hand to pressurise the wound. "What in the actual fuck are u doing" I say. "WHAT! I've seen this in movies" he says confidently. "this isn't a movie" I yell. He holds my hand as a gesture of saying calm the fuck down. He leans over and kisses my forehead. "WAKE UP" I hear a loud shout beside my ear. "What's happening" I say to myself as I saw Miguel slowly fade away until he disappeared. "Okay, is this some kind of joke" I yell in hopes of someone answering. "Why isn't she waking up. Should I slap her?" I hear a voice. I eyes began to shut and then suddenly open to a boy staring down at me. 

"Guys she's awake" I see Mitch tug on Miguel's shirt. "You had me worried" Miguel says looking concerned. I look around and find myself laying in Jaden's car. "What the hell happened" I say slowly getting up. "You flipped Jaden off and left the house to get in his car. I followed you and saw you passed out on the car seat but thank god ur alive" he says holding my hand. "Miguel, we need to help him?" I say out of nowhere and instantly getting out of the car. I pulled him by his hand and led him into the house. "okay first, where is everyone" I ask. "I took them in the cottage outback because they all had passed out, like you" he says. I quickly pull him into a hug with took him by surprise because I felt his arms lightly wrap around me with his shoulders finally relaxed. 

"thank you" I whisper in his ear, "for what?" he replies in confusion pulling back from the hug. "Shit we need to save him" I say. He looks at me with his eyebrow raised up. I knew whatever had happened before was probably a figment of my imagination, so I decided not to tell him ...... yet. "Oh, nothing ahahaha. Just go sleep with ur mates in the cottage and I'm just going to go upstairs " I say. "U sure u don't need help in anything" he asks. I simply nod and hug him once more. "I know you and I aren't that close, but I hope we can be" I say and head upstairs. "I would love that" he says with a big smile. 

I quickly run into my room and immediately call Robby's dad. "Hazel?! Y the fuck are u calling me at midnight" Mr Lawrence says with a raspy voice. "Is Robby with you" I ask. "How the fuck do I know? That boy has been out of control ever since I .... Nvm" he says. "Would he be at home?" I ask knowing it's probably going to piss him off. "sweetie, I had a long day with that Larusso so please kindly leave me to sleep" he says politely and sounding a bit pissed. I hung up on him and threw my phone across the room from anger. *doorbell* I quickly ran downstairs to check and slipped down the stairs on my way there. I didn't bother looking through the peeping hole, so I swung the door open. "Hazel" Robby says as if he was going to cry. He stood there with red puffy eyes holding from what appears like a vodka bottle. He falls on his knees and starts crying. 

author note: 

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