Chapter 19

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The Original hated having to trudge through the Bayou in heels.

"Were the situation not urgent, I would have at least asked to go and change into boots," she grumbled as they walked. "I haven't been out here in ages."

"I didn't think you'd ever come to the Bayou," said Hayley, walking in front of her and leading the way, a careful hand draped over her belly.

"'Course I have. I had a thing with a werewolf at one point. Never amounted to anything, obviously, but she was hot, and it was hard to resist."

Hayley raised her eyebrows. "When was this?"

"The 1900s. I had a bit of a crush on Mary-Alice Claire— Davina's ancestor— but she wasn't into women, so naturally, she chose Kol. I met Vera not long before I was daggered. She was an exquisite beauty. Not a Crescent, sorry to tell you, she had married in from another pack and was left widowed."

"Do you think, if you hadn't been daggered, things would have worked out between the two of you?"

"Probably not. Vera didn't like vampires much— she really only made an exception for me. It wasn't anything serious. Just some kisses. She was helping me with some magic and I was helping her with some supplies."

Hayley smiled. "I think you should stick around and see if any of the wolves here catches your eye."

Hilda blushed. "I highly doubt anything will come from it. Wolves really don't like vampires. Especially not Originals."

The werewolf had chuckled as they arrived at a small hut near the edge of the water. Two wolves awaited them— a muscular blond male and taller male with tousled curly brown hair.

"Hayley," said the dark haired wolf. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Jack," she said, brushing her hair behind her ears. "I'll tell you two all about it..." she beckoned toward the vampire behind her. "This is Hilda, she's Elijah's sister."

The blond wolf whistled. "You Originals got all the good genes." He held his hand out to her excitedly. "I'm Oliver."

Hilda shook his hand. "Oliver... you're the wolf that kissed by sister Rebekah."

He blushed. "Oh, she told you?"

"My sister never keeps such things as secrets," said Hilda, winking at him. "I heard all about the dancing and kissing... and the wolves attacking her."

Oliver stepped back, holding his hands up. "Listen—"

"Oh, I'm not mad," she said. "I was getting a back rub in Monaco when she told me, so I could honestly care less." She fixated her eyes on the darker haired wolf who seemed intent on fussing over Hayley. "What's your name, gorgeous?"

He held up his hand to wave at her, but did not extend it for a greeting with contact. "Jackson," he said.

"Jackson," she repeated. "Lovely." She clasped her hands together. "Well, it seems you both have Hayley. Keep her safe, will you?"

"Will do," Jackson responded. Hilda took this opportunity to take off her shoes as she began to walk back through the Bayou.

"You don't want to maybe stay?" asked Oliver a bit too eagerly.

She let out a soft giggle and looked back over her shoulder. "Sorry, darling, I don't make a habit of going for men my sister already had, even if it was just a kiss."

When she got back to the Compound, she took another shower. Her dress was left hung up and she washed her body and face very well, wrapping her hair in a small towel hat. She slept peacefully in her old bed, glad to have some sort of familiarity. There was a pang in her heart thinking that Kol would have loved to be back here with her.

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