Chapter 30

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Hilda wasn't sure what problem to tackle first.

Would she deal with Esther, who had sent a hundred starlings into Elijah and Klaus's faces to convince them into taking her deal?

Would she deal with Mikael, who had disappeared suddenly with Davina and the White Oak stake, leaving no traces behind?

Would she deal with Kol, who could not reveal his identity to her outright, but who was clearly alive and well?

She decided that rather than deal with her parents, she ought to seek out her twin brother.

Though she had been tempted to call Alaric before she made her decision, she had decided against it. She knew that he would be busy for three consecutive nights, and she elected not to bother him.

There was only a delay in her search because Klaus had demanded she try to locate Davina before anything else. Though Hilda knew a grand multitude of Locator Spell variants from different cultures, there was no way to complete one when all the witches in New Orleans were helping Esther. Hilda was able to find some older records that indicated Davina's family had a cabin in Terrebonne Parish, but that was as close as they could get. Thus, once she procured this information for her brother, she made to leave the Compound.

"Brother! Niklaus!"

She was walking down the stairs tying her hair up as Elijah walked into the courtyard. Hayley and her wolves were chatting at random spots all around them.

"You do realize that literally everyone in here has supernatural hearing, right?" said Hayley, standing up from where she had been conversing with two of the female wolves.

"Where is my brother?" asked Elijah.

"I'll check his calendar," said Hayley sarcastically. "Wait, no... not his wife, so..."

"Hayley, this city is under siege by an army of beasts following my deranged mother's every command," Elijah replied. "Now, considering it was your people who just declared war on my kind, now's not the best time for your particular brand of sass."

Hilda crossed her arms and walked over as Hayley glared at Elijah. "Klaus left a while ago. If you want to find him, I can't help you." She held out her phone mockingly. "If only there was a magical device that people used to call people? I don't know, I'm out of ideas. Good luck." But before leaving, she added, "Oh! One more thing, Elijah— those 'beasts' that you're referring to? They may be under Esther's control, but, like you said, they're my people. So, if you hurt them, your bitch mother will be the least of your problems."

She walked off and Hilda stared at her brother with some mild contempt. "Seriously?" she said. "Haven't you called him?"

"Are you going to be cross with me, too?" asked Elijah.

"You're being rude to her, and I'm on her side on this so yeah. You're better than this, Elijah. It's unacceptable. Now, excuse me, I have to go."

"Where to?"

"Looking for Kol. I should be gone most of the day if I don't find anything."

Elijah held his hand up. "Don't even think of entering Lafayette Cemetery. The places is crawling with wolves, and Esther will be able to detect you."

"I wasn't planning to go in. And thank you, for calling them 'wolves' and not 'beasts' this time." She brushed past him and made her way into town.

Her search was probably the most infuriating thing ever.

There were no leads. No one knew who Kaleb Westphall was or where he could be found. The Westphalls no longer lived in New Orleans, and no one had seen Davina, either. Hilda suspected Kol would be either in the Cemetery or with her, and she wasn't about to waltz to Davina's family cabin and risk being taken down by Mikael before at least checking that Kol wasn't somewhere else.

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