Chapter 59

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While they were eating breakfast, Kol and Davina burst in.

Hilda and Alaric had come down for once rather than bringing the food to the room to feed the twins simultaneously. It was taxing to get the platters up and set down somewhere, because every piece of furniture had some sort of baby item on top of it. Elijah said they could simply compel a servant to bring up the food with a table, but neither Hilda nor Alaric wanted that, therefore, they'd gathered their wits to go into the dining room with the twins in tow to have what they hoped might be a normal breakfast with a hostile Finn and a pensive Elijah.

"Good morning," said Elijah with a cordial grin, standing from his seat at the sight of the twins. Finn had to do a double take out of surprise, and it seemed he was having trouble containing a smile of delight.

There was an unspoken agreement that Finn could see, but not touch. He didn't mind. He ate without looking at his plate, keeping his eyes fixated on the little girls who were now happily drinking from their respective bottles. The servants came around to serve Hilda and Alaric their food, which, as usual, made Alaric turn red.

"I'll never get used to that," he mumbled as he sat down, one arm outstretched to hold Josie's bottle.

"Trust me, I haven't gotten used to it, either," said Hilda gently, looking down at Lizzie and caressing her head to adjust her hat before setting the bottle down once she'd had enough. She picked her up and held her against her chest, using her free hand to support her back while she started to eat.

A loud 'woosh' let them know that a vampire was entering the room, and immediately, the twins began to wail. Kol and Davina made their presence known with a hasty chorus of 'Sorry' as Alaric and Hilda both stopped eating to tend to the twins.

"There's something you lot need to see," said Kol urgently. Davina held out a phone nearer to where Hilda was, meaning Elijah and Finn had to get up to be able to see the screen. The three Originals and Alaric leaned down to see a video of Vincent Griffith, looking agitated.

"Davina, listen," said Vincent urgently. "I know we are not on the best of terms, but I need you to listen to me, okay? Um— we're in serious trouble. Now, I'm recording this here because it's— it's free from magic, and magic is our enemy. The Ancestors got me on the hook doing some pretty twisted magic, and I want no part of it, but they're forcing me to help Lucien Castle. And, if you don't help me, Freya Mikaelson's gonna die."

Freya had left the night before to take the white oak somewhere safe, and instantly, all four siblings tensed at the sound of her name. "Before they forced me to take her," continued Vincent, "they had me put up a cloaking spell, so we can't be tracked. Now, Lucien's taking us out of town someplace, I don't know where... but there's a loophole."

Davina paused the video and looked at Finn. "He means you."

"Just how am I the loophole?" demanded Finn.

"Last year," said Kol impatient, "when Esther first brought us back, I got put in the body of a gormless twit, but you got housed in one of the most powerful witch bodies in the city— Vincent's. And, even after all this time, there's still an echo of a body-soul connection between you two."

Davina pressed play on the video again. "And Davina," said Vincent, "that's where you come into play. I need a powerful witch that's off the Ancestors' radar." In the video, it was shown that he cut into the palm of his hand, letting his blood fall into a vial. "I want you to find the thread between me and Finn."

This time, Elijah pressed pause on the video, looking at the young witch. "Have you ever done anything like this?"

She shook her head. "I don't know if it's possible." She held up the vial that had been shown through the screen. "But, I do have Vincent's blood. If I can take Finn's blood and do the spell right, I should be able to track Vincent down. Kol thinks he knows how we can do it."

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