Chapter 56

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They tried to pretend everything was fine when it wasn't.

For three days, they acted casually with each other, conversing when they needed to and taking turns to change diapers, give bottles, burp, and talk to the twins. They listened to Klaus rant about his paranoia regarding enemies. They spoke to Elijah, Freya, and Hayley about the most mundane things. They scheduled a very boring playtime everyday with Hope and the twins (this was only boring because the twins could do nothing but coo and cry, meaning they would not react when Hope brought them several of her toys).

They didn't speak of what'd happened that night. They slept in separate beds, each feeling hurt and lonely, but not wanting to go to the other, because that would only cause a problem. They got together every night to tend to the twins when they woke up, but in those moments, they didn't chat unless it had to do with the babies.

On the third day, Hilda thought she might lose her mind.

They were in the courtyard after breakfast, and the twins were in their stroller, being rocked by Hilda as Hope trotted around finding rocks and pieces of grass to show the twins. She kept babbling about the colors to try to teach them, but Hilda felt no joy while observing the interaction. She tried to ignore Alaric, who sat beside her, texting Stefan and Caroline and trying to help them find places to hide now that they were no longer in New Orleans.

"This is orange," said Hope, taking a small flower and putting it on Josie's lap, since Lizzie was fast asleep. "Orange, orange."

Josie simply gurgled, and Hope ran off, coming back with a pebble. "This rock is grey. But no eat!"

Josie couldn't have eaten it even if she tried. She started to make faces, and Hope leaned over to her, smiling. "Silly cousin, makes faces."

"She might just be tired," sighed Hilda with no emotion, making Hope crawl up onto her lap, dropping the pebble to the side. "Are you tired, too?"

Hope nodded and leaned back, though still watching the twins. "Sleep so much."

"They do, because they're still small," she explained. "You slept a lot, too, when your Auntie Bex and I were taking care of you."

"Auntie Bex," repeated Hope. "Where?"

Hilda let out a shaky breath. "She's not here right now..."

"Bex visit!" said Hope enthusiastically. "See Liz and Jo."

"Yes... I wish she could visit," mumbled Hilda. "She'd love to meet the twins."

She perked up at the sound of footsteps. She saw Davina walk up, and the young witch gasped when she saw them. "Oh," she said, covering her mouth as she came closer. "K—"

Klaus seemed to materialize in front of her, keeping her from taking another step toward the twins. "Rather foolish of you to come here alone," he said menacingly, advancing toward her.

Hilda was just about to get up and yank him back when another figure burst forward, slamming Klaus back into one of the pillars. "She didn't come alone, brother," said Kol, standing right before them in his real body.

Klaus was in complete shock. Elijah and Freya made their way downstairs, and they each looked incredibly surprised. But none could measure up to the disbelief on Hilda's face.

"How is this possible?" she whispered, coming closer and taking her brother's face in her hands. "How did you..."

"When I broke Klaus's sire link, it created a surge of power," said Davina.

Freya looked displeased. "You stole the nexus vorti."

Davina was obviously surprised that Freya seemed so cold about it. "And I brought your brother back from the dead!"

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