Chapter 17

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bTw- T/n means text name- ok bai-


I was tweaking some strings of my guitar then my phone vibrated, I checked my messages and saw, 'Lori-Nori 😋' wonder why she named herself that-


Lori-Nori 😋

Lori-Nori 😋:
Hey N/n!! Did u know theres going to be a Fall Festival next week? so excited!!

i dont kno if Ava and I are.. well, excited- cuz you know her, a lazy bean

Lori-Nori 😋:
oh come on Y/n! just try my advice on how to wake up a lazy person!

Ava will just stay in her room for the rest of her life if i do your, quote on quote, advice

Lori-Nori 😋:
u know that u dont need to put the, 'quote on quote' thing, right?

well i just want to-

Lori-Nori 😋:
mkayyy, i'll go ask Ava then! bye!
*seen by T/n*


I closed my phone and placed my guitar beside my bed. I went out and saw Ava putting up Halloween decorations, I shrugged it off and decided to make my special coffee-ffee. Leif called, or more like shouted Ava's name to probably ask what she's doing. I let them trying to figure out what's going on, I sat down on the chair and started to drink my coffee. Leif continues to shout Ava's name to catch her attention, I noticed she's wearing ear pods, well that explains it- Asch then calls Ava, but she still couldn't hear them, I thought ear pods aren't that soundproof- Asch yells at her and I accidentally spat out my coffee cause of him.

Noi was concerned about why Ava won't respond, I ignored them and finished my coffee. I saw Leif grabbed the tv remote, it didn't seemed like he is going to break it, so I let them. But then.. He threw the remote at Ava, luckily Asch teleported behind Ava and caught the remote. I sighed in relief, while Leif was shocked at how Asch teleported,

'What the-?!'

'We don't throw things at a Princess.'

Asch said at Leif. I put my coffee mug in the sink and went near Ava while the two of the annoying Daemos argue. I accidentally hit the ladder where Ava was standing and she was about to fall and the others shouted her name. Out of nowhere, Pierce caught Ava just in time.

'What the heck?!'

Ava shouted, Rhys asked if she was alright, Ava said she was fine and thanked Pierce. Pierce just responded with a yes, Ava turned to Asch,

'Why did you bumped my ladder?!'

'I- I- I- UH- I DIDN'T I-'

Ava cuts him off, annoyed,

'If you want my attention, just come talk to me! Don't try to kill me!'

'I wasn't! Leif was! and pet Y/n is near you as well!'

Asch accused Leif, Ava didn't believe him,

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