Chapter 18

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I was peacefully taking a nap until fireboy shouted 'prisoner', probably at Ava. 'ugh.. for f__ks sake..' I got up from my bed and saw Asch barged into my room, again..

'What you want, fireboy?'

I asked, 

'SOMEONE'S uh- ..someone's at the door and they won't stop knocking!'

He yelled at first but softened down his voice, where did her even get that manner- oh, right, Socky. I told him to ignore it, fireboy said to me Ava told the same thing. I sighed,

'Just ignore it, probably some brats pranking.'

Asch just groaned and closed my doors. Well that was unexpected- since he closed my doors for once.


I had the weird but nice but also kinda fun dream 'til Ava calls out for the guys and me. I sighed and went out of my room. I saw Ava with a kinda panicked face, Asch asked her,

'Why are you yelling, prisoner?'

Ava told him to shut up and listen, the others asked what was going on, Ava explained,

'Ok, I'm going to break this down for you all. I'm going to be babysitting.'

Rhys, Noi, and Pierce looked at her in shocked, while Leif and Asch were excited to see the baby get sat on- oh yeah they take things literally..

'I've never really asked about human babies. Where do they come from?'

Noi asked innocently, Ava didn't know how to respond. I just stayed quiet. Rhys asked Noi if he knows where Daemos babies come from, and as the cinnamon roll Noi is, he doesn't know that too- and Pierce asked Ava and I where babies come from- how do they not know- this day is deeeefiiinitely going to be weird.

'We are NOT having that talk right now..! Look, I need you guys to be on your best behavior because Marlene is coming over and me and Y/n are going to watch over her.'

Ava said, since when was I involved in taking care of a toddler-? The guys were still talking about Ava and I sitting on a baby, why- Rhys asked who's Marlene, Ava told him she's Mrs. Oats' granddaughter, told more info and whatnot, Ava told them to either be on their best behavior or stay in their Magic Wall and she told them to wear their human clothes and put away their horns. All of them went in to their Magic Wall then Ava stops Asch,


He asked, Ava told him he need to be an attendance or whatever that is, since Marlene already saw him. He groaned and went in the Magic Wall. Ava asked me if I can clean up the place a bit, I nodded and went to the living room and fixed the pillows, and I'm not gonna explain cleaning 101. I saw Ava opened her doors and Marlene is already in her Halloween costume. Marlene smiled and greeted Ava,


Ava giggled, and told her it isn't Halloween yet and told Marlene that she doesn't have any candy, then she said she does and Marlene's eyes widened in excitement. I watched Ava played with Marlene for a bit, not gonna lie I kind of miss childhood, well except me leaving my parents of course. Ava lets Marlene in and I noticed the guys were in the living room, well hopefully they behave.. Marlene waved at me while smiling, I patted her head in return. Ava and I lead Marlene to the living room. Ava looked annoyed by the sight of the guys, for some reason? Marlene hid behind me. I nudged Ava's arm,

'Oh! That's right I need to uh- introduce you to our friends! Marlene this is Rhys, Pierce, Noi, Asch and Leif. Guys, say hi..!'

Ava gritted her teeth at the last bit. Leif asked us if we're going to sit on her, I glared at him while slowly shaking my head. Marlene asked us,

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