Chapter 22

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Days went by ever since the Fall Festival event. I sat down on one of the chair in the kitchen. The guys changed into their usual Daemos clothes [while they were in their magic wall] then watched TV, as always. Ava walked behind the old bulky TV and turned it off. The guys got surprised by her presence. 

'Where did you come from, prisoner?!'

They all asked if she's alright, cause she looks like she's going to scream at them.

'I don't really care about your TV shows at this point! It's obvious you guys are getting super addicted to TV, that's beside the point! We need to talk about what happened this past weekend.'

The guys told her it was fun and what she's talking about. At least they had fun. Ohh, right, Rhys used his magic.

'Rhys! You know what I'm talking about.'

'Uhh, no idea!'

He tried to lie to her, but we aren't THAT forgetful. I mean, maybe I did for a moment-
Ava told him that he was using his magic at the carnival and that she trusted him to not do it. Rhys said that he had a "good" reason. Ava glared at him.

'Good reason, yep, uh huh.'

I said sarcastically. Ava glared at me as well, oh no.

'Y/n, you didn't stopped him! And I also trusted you.'

'Uh, "excuse me" but I process things slow and have very slow reflexes.'

I defended myself. Ava sighed heavily and turned to Rhys.

'Look, I don't care what reason you had to use your magic. You were blatantly using magic in front of others! And do you know what the repercussions of doing that is?!'

Asch and Leif asked her why it's a big deal and that humans also have magic.

'Well I have to get upset over it!'

The room wet silent.

'They'd take you guys away from us if they found out..!'

Ava said teary eyed. I became worried and observed her every move, in case she goes uhm, all rollercoaster. Noi told her that they were fine. Pierce asked her if she's alright. She said nothing but just went into her room, slammed her door.

'What was that about?'

Leif asked, I stood up and was outside Ava's room.

'Ava and I are just.. Well, worried if you guys get captured, or even worse, get killed. It's best to give her some time or apologize.'

I explained to them. I knocked on my sister's door and asked if it's ok for me to come in. Ava lets me in her room. I saw she was on her bed, laying down, facing to her window.

'Ava, I'm.. Really sorry for not doing anything, again..'

I said as I sit behind her. Rhys came in to the room and apologized to us.

'Princess Ava, Princess/Prince Y/n. I wanted to express how sorry I am for what I did. I didn't mean to.'

Before Rhys can add more, Ava asked him.

'You guys are real, aren't you..?'

He looked at me, waiting for me to explain. I shrugged my shoulders.

'I beg your pardon?'

He asked her.

'When you guys first showed up. I swore I was dreaming. I was certain when I woke up, you guys would be gone. But you guys were still here.. Every time I woke up, you guys were around.'

She paused, I feel like she's tearing up, again.

'Believe it or not, you all give me the confidence to go outside. It's not just you Rhys, the others are guilty too for doing stupid things that would get you guys taken away. It's just that.. I don't wanna lose you all..'

Rhys was still confused.


'Nothing, nothing. I'm just upset, that's all. Again, it's not just you Rhys. I appreciate you more than anyone, well, except Y/n. I'm just.. Emotional I guess..'

I rubbed Ava's back, comforting her. Rhys asked us if there was anything he can do for us.

'You don't really have to.'

I told him. 

'I can perhaps cook you something, at least something I know how to make.'

Ava told him she's not hungry, just as she said that her stomach growled. Rhys tells us that humans eat more than they do, and he'll cook something anyway. He left the room and closed the door. I stayed in Ava's room for a little longer.

'You can help Rhys to cook. I'll be fine, N/n.'

'If you say so. I'll call you when it's ready.'

I got up and went to the kitchen. [i dont fully know how to make spaghetti so- uhm]


*boil the noodles, make the sauce, drain the water, put noodles then sauce on a plate, then finally add toppings i guess*


I called Ava and I saw her looking not all sad anymore. Rhys served Ava the spaghetti. She took a bite and complimented his cooking.

'Y/n you're gonna eat?'

I hesitated buuuut she did say it's the best. Eh why not. I sat down beside her and ate with Ava.

'Hurry Rhys! The show's about to start!'

Leif called for him. Rhys asked us if he can.

'Sure, go ahead.'

I smiled and he went to the others. We happily ate our spaghetti and finished. 

'I'll wash the dishes for you, Ava.'

'You sure? I mean, you wash the dishes like everyday.'

I told her it's fine, and it was her turn to talk out the trash anyway. She smiled and hugged me. She took the garbage bag and went outside..

3rd POV

Ava took out he trash and saw a suspicious black haired person with a scar on his left eye then she ignored him and ran back to the apartment. Then no drama happened

Jk, you got fooled, i think- did you-?
this is already the author's note btw

i speedrun write

yes this chapter is short cause next chapter is the final one
(reminder after the next chapter i will rewrite the first few chapters) i will make the reader be like a she/he/them while rewriting cause Y E S

anyway eat food, drink water, stay safe and hav a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day or night!

updated A/n :

elo mi amigo

bye mi amigo

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