Malfoy Manor

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"Happy birthday to me..."
I said groggily as I woke up from sleep and saw my gloomy room as I opened my eyes.
I was 11.
Which means my Hogwarts letter is gonna arrive today.
I rolled my eyes and  smirked as I heard Draco's prattle from the next room.
"I want a race broom when I go to Hogwarts!"
He had not gotten his letter yet.But he still got a huge mountain of presents on his last birthday with which  he was not satisfied whereas I got a piece of leftover stolen pudding. I heard aunt Narcissa sigh.
I got up and had a quick shower, dressed in whatever was laid there by Dobby and went near a mirror and looked.
I was startled seeing my own reflection.
The person I saw in the mirror was not was Bellatrix Lestrange.
Then I remembered..
"Right, I'm her daughter." I said out loud. But why the hell do we look so.... alike? Even the hair..its so curled if you hide something inside you will never be able to find it again.
The only difference is the eye colour.
I have blue eyes.
The only thing Father gave me.
I was born on February 2nd 1980.
I'm 5 months older than the great Harry Potter..
It was the time when the Dark Lord was very powerful. So my parents were too busy killing off muggles and wreaking havoc that they forgot about me. So when Bellatrix remembered she had a daughter named Thana Lestrange whom she loved more than anyone else...
As if! you thought!
She hated me more than anyone else..or who would name their daughter Thana which literally means death?
Anyways when she remembered, I was thrown into the hands of her sister 2 months after my birth so I never really remember them as they never even bothered to visit me.
As Narcissa was already pregnant with Draco she never really paid attention to me and don't even get me started on Lucius.. as soon as my parents were sent to Azkaban, it was as if I never even existed..
But since I was neglected from the day I was born, I was accustomed to it.
So the only person who really cared about me turned out to be our Malfoy's little house elf Dobby.
There were a lot of rules which were made only for me.
I was not allowed to wander around the house, I was not to appear in front of guests, I was to stay in my room unless I was called, the list goes on and on...
So whenever I'm lonely I call Dobby and he never disappoints me.
Every night after everyone falls asleep he steals Draco's quidditch books and many other things brings them to me. He always gets shouted at and beaten when they find out that he has been helping me..but he still does everything in his power to help me. So you can say that the only one I care about in the whole world is Dobby.
He is the one who educated me about the wizarding world and Hogwarts and all.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear Dobby knock and say "Breakfast is ready, Miss Thana"
He smiles at me.
"Dobby wishes Miss Thana happy birthday!"
He squeaks. And then his face falls.
"But Dobby has nothing to give Miss Thana.."
Typical Dobby.
I smile and say " Make today's lunch extra delicious, that would be my gift."
"Dobby will definitely do that Miss Thana" he squeaks and disapparates,
Probably to the kitchen.
I silently stepped out of my room and started walking downstairs.
This is what I hate the most..
Eating as a family.
It feels as if they're shoving their perfect family down my throat.
When I reach the dining room I sit at the furthest end of the table were they can conveniently ignore me.
As I start eating I see Dobby delivering letters to Lucius. Usually I don't give a flying fuck, but today I was looking for my Hogwarts letter.
And then I spot it. A beautiful letter with 'To Miss Thana Lestrange' on the top.
Lucius takes it and opens it.
He reads it and sighs.
Seems like he wanted me to be a squib.
He turns to me and says
"It seems you turned 11 today."
"Yes uncle Lucius"
" have been accepted at Hogwarts"
No shit Sherlock.
"We will purchase your necessary items to Hogwarts after Draco gets his letter"
"As you wish uncle Lucius"
I quickly manage to complete my breakfast and walk to my room as fast as I can before I become sick from being obedient.

Guys, its my first fan fiction. I know it's terrible but I'll try to improve as much as I can. Thank you for reading this❤❤


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