Getting along? Also, Dream And Blue!!!!

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This might be a long chapter! So sit back and relax!! :D


The moment Error said yes, I hugged him, forgetting about his Haphephobia. "INKKKKK!!" He yelled, at the verge at crashing. "Sorry! Hehe- I forgot!" I apologized. And smiled. Blue blush dusted his cheeks a bit. I snorted. "DiD yOu jUst- snOrT?" He said while more blue blush covered his face. I felt my face heating up a bit. "U-uhh.." I managed to stutter out. He laughed a bit, he realized what he did. He hid his face in his scarf. "TeLl SoMeOne AnD i'lL kIlL yOu." He mumbled. I smiled a bit and gave him a pat on the back. He flinched a bit because of the sudden contact. "Don'T toUcH mE!" He shouted. "Sorry!" I apologized again. "YoU apOlOgiZe AloT, It'S anNoyInG" He stated. I nodded and waved goodbye then jumped into my portal.

Error POV 

I watched Ink leave and I immediately crashed. Time passed by, I finally rebooted. I sighed and shook my head, the blush slowly faded away. I decided to make a Puppet of an AU, I finished the puppet and stared at it, the blue blush dusted my cheeks a bit again. It was a puppet of Ink. Why couldn't I get him out of my mind?!

"Aww! Error is inlove!" A voice called out.

"W-whAT?!" I stuttered.

"Error do u have a crush on Ink?!" Another voice called out.

"N-nO!! I Don'T lIkE tHat STuPid SqUid!! He'S AnnOyinG!!" I yelled.

"Error what the hell!? You like your own enemy?!" A Voice called out, sounding angry.

"nO! i sAid I DOn'T lIkE hiM!!" I yelled again. My voice echoing through the Anti-Void.

The ones who were talking were, the voices. The voices in my head. They can irritating. Ink can hear them also. The ones talking to Ink are the creators.

They finally had shut up. Finally! I laid on my couch and yawned. I heard an portal open, I thought it was Ink so I ignored it."Error." A tired sounding voice said. I recognized that voice. I stood up quickly. "NighTmaRe." I said sternly while looking at him. "I have an AU for you to destroy." He said glaring at me. I was about to do the job, but I remembered the truce. "nO." I said. "What? What the hell do you mean by no?" He sounded irritated. "I SAiD nO, ArE yOu DeAf oR soMetHing?!" I yelled. He stood there, silently. His tentacles sharpened and he hissed. "If you don't destroy that AU, I will not hesitate to dust you." He hissed more. "I mAdE a TruCe wIth inK." I finally said. "Oh, why did you make a stupid truce with him?!" He yelled. "WeLL hE fOrcEd mE tOo!!" I yelled back. "Useless, utterly USELESS." I heard Nightmare say as he left the Anti-void. I sighed in relief and laid back down. 


I was in my room, wearing my regular clothes. Because why not? The lights were off and the curtains were also closed. It was really cold because it was winter. I was hiding in my blankets until I got a text from Blue saying: "Me and Dream are gonna go hang out! If u need anything from the store,  just either text Me or Dream! We will be back soon!!" I sighed and replied to the text: "Okay then! I'll see you guys soon!" I got up and sat in my chair then started sketching something. I had finished the drawing, then to realized I had drawn, Error. I had always admired his design. I shook my head and my face had started to heat up again. I crumpled the drawing and threw it into the trash. I had felt like I should have kept the drawing though. I walked out my room and shivered a bit, then house was pretty cold. But I didn't really care, I walked to the kitchen and made some hot chocolate then headed back to my room. I drank my hot chocolate and hid in my blankets. I was about to fall asleep but I got a message from Blue, the message had said: "What is better?- Coke or Pepsi? P.S sorry if i'm bothering you!!" I sighed and replied back to the message: "Coke seems better! P.S I am trying to sleep!" He replied back: "Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I threw my phone across the room and tried to fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Error now..

Dream POV (Finally a new POV!!)

I was at Outertale with Blue talking about stuff. The stuff was really random. I asked Blue if he wanted to go to the store. "Sure!!" He said. We teleported to the store and Blue asked if we could get some soda. "No- You had a sugar rush after you took one sip of soda!" I said while scolding him a bit. "But.." He said, sounding like he was gonna cry. I sighed, "Fine, don't get too much tho!!" I yelled as he ran away.

Blue POV (Yay more POVsssssakjcwijcgwn)

I ran to the soft drinks and heard Dream yell something. I didn't really care. I like soda! But I can't decide on which one to get so i messaged Ink asking: "What is better?- Coke or Pepsi? P.S sorry if i'm bothering you!!" I saw him typing and he replied with: "Coke seems better! P.S I am trying to sleep!" I felt bad, because he barely sleeps because of his job. So I replied: "Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then grabbed a can of coke then ran back to Dream. And put the can in the cart, then ran to get some taco ingredients!

{ Timeskip after they finish shopping }

3rd person POV

Dream and Blue were back from the store. Ink was asleep so Blue made a taco and placed it in Ink's room on his table. Blue closed the door slowly and looked at Dream and smiled. Dream smiled back and went to his room.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA AAA AA A A THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG_ NJXHAHXCHSCHOSHcshchjhjcwhojcwhochoiwhcwhjhjwhwgcwgcgh Errorink is the main ship! The other ships are just side ships! <3

1030 words

&quot;I Love You&quot; { Errorink }(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now