"I'll help her" I hear he curly haired boy say next to me I look over at him and he is just staring at my aunt
"Well I guess you don't have to cook alone" aunt says to me with a big smile
We ended up unpacking our suitcases in our rooms after we ordered pizza. my room is next to Louis and across from my uncle and aunts. Niall and Harry's one is next to my uncle and aunts. When I'm almost done I hear a knock on my door.
"Hey" the blond lad says after he opened the door
"Hey" I answer
"Do you want to come night swimming with me Louis and Harry?"
"Yeah of course I'm out in a minute" I answer
"okay" Niall smiles and closes the door behind him when he leaves
I took my blue laced bikini and headed to the bathroom.
When I came outside it was not as cold as I expected to be. The boys are already in the pool.
"Tessa come join us" Louis yells from the pool
"Coming" I laughed
I walk to the pool and jump in the pool knowing it is heated water"Maybe since we are all spending a few weeks together we could get to know each other better" Louis says
"We could ask each other random questions" I ask
"Well you ask Harry and Niall and they ask you. I already know you all good enough" Louis laughed
"Well I'll start off" Harry smiles looking at me
Soo I'm continuing the story sorry for the really short chapter!😬

Family Vacation (H.s)
Hayran KurguTessa was just going on a family vacation but what she didn't know was that her cousin took 2 friends with him