Chapter 0.2

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After hours of unpacking and processing all this new information, I was finally able to fall asleep. That sleep was interrupted by Scott waking me up to inform me that it was time for school. At least high school is the same everwhere. Teens watching you as you walk down the hallway, judging you. You can only hope to fit in or at least be invisible. Being the new kid at a high school makes that a lot harder. When you're the new girl, everyone's looking at you, trying to make assumptions based off of every aspect of the way you present yourself. I walk in the doors of the school, Scott by my side. I guess he could sense my nerves, because he grabbed my hand to stop me.

"You're gonna be okay Luna. This school is not so bad, the people can be nice. Plus, you have friends already." He smiled at me, reassuringly.

"I have your friends Scott, and I've only met one of them. There's always a chance they won't even like me." My anxiety starting to rise.

"They'll love you, trust me. I'm also pretty sure you won't have any problems making friends of your own." He gave me a smile that seemed to tell me he was right, and that I would be okay.

"Okay, lets do this." I smiled back and continued into the school. Scott walked to the office where I would meet an advisor and get my classes.

"This is where I leave you. If you need me, find me. If you can't find me, yell and I will find you. Promise." Scott said before leaving me at the office.

I sat down waiting for whoever it is that I'm supposed to meet with and let my mind wonder. It feels cold in here. For some reason, it seems fitting that there is a chill in the office. It doesn't look too warm and inviting in there either. The walls are a dull yellow and all the furniture looks too uniform, like the room was pulled straight out of a boring catalog of interior design. All the chairs were against the same wall. The front dest was tall, the top was eye level when sitting down. The fact that the desk was directly infront of the wall of chairs only added to the coldness of the room. I hate high school. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a voice calling my name.

"Luna McCall." A woman with a soft voice called, while smiling.

"Thats me." I said as I stood up and walked over to her. She led me over to a seat at he other side of the desk, then she sat down next to me infront of a computer.

"Okay. Your file here says you have all the required credits for our school district to be a Sophomore, except one. Geography. I understand that your old school did not require this class, but we do. Now, you will still be in all other grade level classes. You may just have to pick up an extra cerdit your Senior year." She was all buisness. She wasn't rude or harsh, she was gentle but clear when she spoke.

"Sounds great, no problems here. Do you require extra curicular activities?" I asked only because I do not want to be forced to play a sport or play an insturment. At my old school it was required to be involved in some way, so I sung in the choir. I avoided all solos at any cost.

"Not technically. We understand that there are kids who don't want to be involved, but we do require an art class in its place. Its not necessary for a Sophomore, its more of a Junior and Senior year class." She smiled at me and then started typing on her keyboard. After a few moments, She grabs a piece of paper that was freshly printed. She stood up and handed me the paper.

"This is your schedule. All class room are numbered so I will give a quick tour and trust you can find your way around. Follow me Ms. McCall." She smiled and led the way out of the office and down the halls. Explaining rooms as we passed them, or telling me which hallways has what down them. The school isn't that complicated, but I will still need a few weeks to learn my way around. She started to slow down by some lockers, I'm assuming she's showing me mine.

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