Chapter 0.1

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Two months ago:

I walked into my mom's hospital room. Dread filling my body. I knew she was close to the end. Her body was weak and she was tired. Tired of fighting.

"Mija, come here," she smiled weakly at me, patting the bed beside her. I walked into the room slowly, sitting in the chair that I've had placed beside her bed for months. She looked nervous, and that worried me. Did something change? Is she somehow worse? Is that even possible?

"There's something I need to tell you. I should have told you a long time ago, but I never had the courage," she let out a small laugh, "I guess now I don't have a reason not to... considering the time I have left."

"What is it mom?" I asked, ignoring her talk of dying even though we both know it's going to happen soon. She looked like she was struggling to find her words, I could tell by the look on her face.

"Mom, just tell me whatever it is. You're starting to scare me a little." I gave her a smile to encourage and comfort her.

"Where do I even start." She grabbed my hand and turned to look me in my eyes. "I know you've been worried about where you're going to go after I pass. So I called your dad." She squeezed my hand. My dad? Why would she call him? I haven't heard from him in years, I didn't even know he knew mom was sick.

"Why did you call him? It's not like he was here when you were healthy, what's gonna change when you're gone? I don't wanna live with my dad, I barely even know the man." I've seen him all of 6 times in my life, I don't hate him or anything, I simply don't know him. I'm okay with that.

"No Mija, you're not going to be living with him." She sighed, closing her eyes.

"Then where am I going mom?" I'm so confused, I thought she was going to tell me that I'd be going to live with my grandparents, but since my dad is apparently involved, I have no clue. My mom held her breath before speaking.

"You have a brother, Luna. Your father was married when I met him, and him and his wife had a son. I didn't know that until I told him I was pregnant with you. I said it was best if you never knew and he agreed. He didn't want his wife and son to know about his affair, and I didn't want to bring pain to a woman who deserved a better husband. We both knew that if you knew you had a brother, you'd want to meet him. I didn't wanna give you that pain. I know now that I was wrong. Luna, you deserve a family once I'm gone. You deserve to know your brother."

"I have a brother?" I asked in shock, trying to process this new information.

"You do." She smiled.

"So what does this mean? What does this have to do with dad?"

"I called him to ask if he was okay with me telling you, then he had an idea. He wants you to go live with your brother and his mother, Melissa. I've already talked to her and she's okay with it. She said she would handle everything. She's prepared to be there for you once I'm gone, Mija." She has a single tear fall down her cheek.

"Mom, I don't need a new family. I'll be okay." I tried to look strong, but my mom could always tell when I was feeling overwhelmed.

"Luna, don't look at them like a new family. Look at them as family you've always had but never knew, because that's what they are." She was always good at calming me down and stating facts at the same time.

"What's his name?" I asked, slowly accepting this new life I'm about to live.

"Scott. Your brothers name is Scott." I guess all the talking was getting to her as she started coughing. I handed her her oxygen tubes as she laid down to relax.

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