creepy crawly

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you and the straw hat pirates have been in the woods for a few days on a deserted island in the grand line. you where staying in the girls tent with nami and robin and the boys where sleeping outside like they always do. "it would take a week for the pose to set." is what nami told everyone on the first night. it's only been two nights and the boys where getting board of just doing nothing most of the day.

"i want to go get fire wood." zoro said walking up to nami and luffy who where looking at a map of the island. "yeah we can have a party will all the fruit on the island right sanji." luffy cheered. "yeah i can do lots with what we got so far." sanji confirmed. "no no no you can't you'll get lost." nami said and you just came out of the tent and was about to find something to do. "i'll take (y/n) with me." he said pointing at you over his shoulder.

"eh me," you paused and he nodded at you. "alright i've got nothing to do anyways." you said walking up next to him and nami just waved like it was fine and you two where off.

the two of you walked about halfway thought the island and the whole was how many bugs there must be out here in the woods. "you ok (y/n) your acting strange." zoro asked as you walked. "yeah just something i'm a little scared of." you said looking around a little. "that would be what." he asked turning his head back to you a little. "don't laugh at me ok" you said and he just stopped and looked at you. "fine" he said. "Bugs, i hate bugs, they creep me out." you said acting like a girly girl for 10 seconds. "is that all." he asked. "yeah thats all." you said trying not to freak out.

"just bugs in general or a certain type." he asked. "no just all of them" you said shaking your fists a little. the two of you kept walking for a little while and you felt something on your leg. when you looked down you seen a huge spider. the first thing you would think to do was scream. so you did. "aaaahhhhh" you screamed in a hight pitched screech.

zoro whipped around and you pushed the spider off of you and just screamed a little more before zoro put his hand over your mouth. "you ok" he asked you looking generally concerned. you nodded unable to say anything with his hand on your mouth. "good, you really do hate bugs then don't you." he said moving his hand from your face. "i told you hated them" you pouted for a second before zoro smiled at you.

you watched zoro as he gathered a pile of sticks and put them in one pile. while he kept gathering sticks you watched and kept rubbing your leg where the spider had been. "did it bite you." zoro asked coming back with more wood. "no just can still feel it on my leg its gross." you said sticking out your tong. "your silly" he smiled at you.

you smiled back and you where about to sit down when zoro grabbed you by the side and pulled you back up. "i wouldn't sit there." he smiled at you. you turned you head back and seen the bugs in the spot you almost sat. you where about to scream again but before you could zoro did something about it.

zoro turned your face with one of his hands and pressed his lips agents yours and kissed you. when he did that he also pressed you agents his chest and hugged you close to him with the other hand. when he let you go and parted your lips he whispered. "please don't scream again." and he smirked at you. you where blushing like mad because of what just happened. "you kissed me." you said but also asked. "yeah, i guess i did, uh sorry." he said and you kissed him on the lips again and he smiled when you pulled back. "don't be sorry." you smiled at him.

when you guys got back with the wood for the fire sanji came up to you and looked a little concerned but mostly his lovey-dovey self. "are you ok (y/n)-swan i thought i heard you scream but no one else believed me. "yeah i'm fine just got a little scared is all." you said to him. "see told you they probably heard you." zoro teased you nudging your elbow. when sanji took the wood to the fire place that was set up zoro leaned in to you. "i love you (y/n)" he whispered and you smiled slightly blushing. "i love you too, zoro" you smiled at him and he blushed.


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