We meet again

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you had looked around not remembering where you where until a little boy ran your direction. "come on (y/n) its time to go eat lunch." he said his moss green hair and dark eyes had run past you. as you turned around you found your eyes where watering uncontrollably. the boy turned around. "whats the matter (y/n), are those jerks picking on you again, come on i'll go with you it's ok come on." he smiled at you with his innocent little smile as you took his hand and started walking.

your eyes snapped open with a small tear dripping down the left side of your face. you wiped the tear from your face and stood up from sleeping up agents a tree in the nearby woods to a village on an island in the grand line. "zoro you idiot" you mumbled remembering the boys name. you where now 19 years old remembering you had been about 13 at the time that dream had actually happened. "6 years apart" you said aloud this time as you headed back into town.

"hey hurry up lets go see the new wanted posters." someone shouted as you walked with the crowd to see the posters. "one of them is suppose to be the pirate hunter zoro." a girl said. "wait 'the' zoro." another asked. "as in roronoa zoro" you finally asked. "yeah thats him you know him." she asked. "i knew him once." you said. the girls huddled around you in awe. "really whats he like, how tall is he, is he romantic." they asked ad asked and asked. "sorry ladies i knew him a long time ago i have no idea about him now of days." you said waving your hands in front of you so they would at least back off a little.

after they walked away you where about to do the same thing until you heard a voice behind you. "whats the matter chopper, those jerks take your share again, alright lets get you some food then we have to go back," the voice was sounded like you had heard it before. as you turned around you seen a flash of green before it disappeared. you shook your self back to reality and decided to make sure you weren't crazy.

you went around the corner to see a slightly taller then you green haired man scratching his head. "lost again zoro, its not very surprising." you said just like when you where kids. he turned around and looked at you for a second before smiling at you. "(y/n), wow its great to see you." he said and before you knew it he was hugging you and you where surprised by that but quickly hugged back. "i missed you, whats it been 6 years." you said. "felt like forever, i missed you so much." he said letting you go introducing you to the talking reindeer chopper.

you all heard a small grumbling noise. "heh sorry the others took my share of lunch." chopper said. "no need to apologize its understandable, zoro remember the jerks that would take my lunch." you said as zoro was still smiling. "yeah i kicked their asses almost every day, i use to think it was part of my daily training." he joked with you and you smiled at him. "lets get the poor guy something to eat, then i want you to introduce me to all your friends." you said hearing he had joined a pirate crew as the first mate.

after lunch with the two chopper lead the two of you back to the ship that they head been sailing on the thousand sunny. when you first got there it seemed as if no one was even there until a boy with raven hair came down from the crows nest and tried to catch zoro off guard. "luffy i told you this morning it wouldn't work on me." he said stretching the boys lip as you looked in awe. "devil fruits" zoro summed it up. "oh cool." you said smiling at the moss haired boy. "zoro chopper your back great." an orange haired girl said coming over and smiling at them. "have my money." she asked completely ignoring you for a second. "nami this is (y/n), she's a friend of zoros." chopper said.

after the rest of the crew came back and introduced them selfs you and zoro headed to the crows nest to relax for a while. "so then he asked if i wanted to join his crew, but after seeing how many people that had hurt i turned them down and kicked all their asses." you told zoro about one of your adventures. "wow and still no bounty." zoro asked. "na the government doesn't find me a big deal i guess." you said. "well you so much as stay on the ship long enough to fight with us agents them they have to get you one even if its low its a start." zoro said. "really you guys are they big a deal." you asked. "well yeah not just any pirates are gunna be the kings crew." zoro said hinting to luffy who introduced himself as the king already.

"so i told you about a lot now i wanna know the most is about the fight with Mihawk, i heard you lost but he said you where the one to surpass him." you asked. "yeah and i got one hell of a reminder about that too." he said pointing to this chest top left by his shoulder to his right hip. "what a scar let me see was it deep." you asked and he smiled at you for a minute. "yeah hang on a second." he said asking you to close your eyes. it only took a second. "ok" he said holding his shirt in front of him then dropping it not only revealing some amazing abs but also a huge scar that had been in the same place zoro had pointed out. "oh wow that is a scar how deep was it." you asked just starring at it occasionally going up and down his chest as well as the scar. "yeah, at first he was messing with me with a pocket knife, then the decided to finish with the worlds greatest black swords." zoro said tracking the scar one more time.

"jeez that must have been deep." you said trying not to touch it and make anything awkward. even if you had a crush on zoro when you where little you couldn't help but look back up and into his eyes for a second of silence. "i had to get plenty of stitches and it wasn't until we got to cocoayashi that i actually got it stitched up." zoro said smiling like he was a little boy again. you again looked down to his chest until he gently took your hand and held if over his heart until you felt it beat a few times. "but i'm still alive, and so are you (y/n)" he said holding your hand in place for a minute. you felt the warmth of his hand and his chest and you could also feel part of his scar under your hand. "damn." was all you could spit out.

"(y/n), i've missed you for these 6 years but," he paused and you looked back up into his eyes as he gently moved closer to you. "but i didn't just miss you, i've liked you for a while since we where younger i thought it would go away but it hasn't, you've grown up and you look even more beautiful then you did when you where 13, i knew then you would grow to be stunning but i never thought you would take my breath away and you did," he paused again. "zoro" you whispered. "i love you (y/n) and i can't help myself anymore." he said hugging you with your hands pinned to his chest. you blushed and so did he.

when he let you go he sat there confused not knowing what to do next. "zoro i feel the same way i love you too and i've also liked you since we where small." you said smiling at his sudden happiness. before you knew it he was in your face and gently pressing your lips into his and holding the back of your head pulling you in slightly deeper. you both smiled under the kiss and you instantly started to kiss him back. you waited 6 years for those words form him and you finally got them.

the end.

"ok girls real quick who else looses it when they see zoro without his shirt, cause i do and i have to pause the show until i get under control." writer-chan.

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