A witch has your heart

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it didn't take long to get use to not having a heart in your chest still alive yet dead all at the same time. you learned emotions or at least how to make it look like you felt something. so you made it part of your goal to get your heart back, a boy with a straw hat decided to take you along on his journey with him and his crew, but when you started to have this pain in your chest around zoro and only zoro you knew it was your heart. you still don't know how to explain it because you don't feel emotions doesn't mean you don't feel pain. and you could have sworn someone was trying to crush your heart.

it's been almost 3 months since your last episode, and by episode you mean feeling like your chest was going to implode or your chest would concave with pain. chopper checked on you once a week to make sure but you were fine, he just likes to make sure.

as you walked out of choppers office you heard luffy cheering about an island up ahead, but you also heard laughing and a slight cold feeling in your chest. "thats new." you mumbled to yourself. "welcome back my dear." you heard a familiar voice in your head. "i'll take back what you've taken from me." you told it just as you caught sight of zoro and a sharp pain went through your chest. "not with that attitude." it teased you surrounding your chest in cold again. you hadn't noticed that your hand had been on your chest grabbing your shirt a little. "you ok." zoro broke you out of your starring contest with the new island. "yeah, how long will it take to get there." you asked him.

"nami said we should land just before night fall, and no one goes off ship until the sun comes back up, luffy actually agreed to that, he said we'd be better rested for an adventure." zoro told you. "who's on watch tonight then." you asked. "i think brook." he said "i enjoy when brook plays music at night, i can dance in my dreams." you said smiling a little and the cold feeling returned. "(y/n), your not in pain again are you." he asked touching your shoulder and the cold left just as quick. "no no i'm fine nothing happened, i was just thinking i guess." you faked a smile for him and he knew just as well as everyone you had two rules, you won't lie about the pain and you wouldn't just deal with it even if you could.

"alright well dinner isn't for a while i'm going to the crows nest to rest for a little while, your free to join me if you want." he said and when zoro rests in the crows nest you would sit and relax but not fall asleep, just listening to the sound of his heartbeat and his breathing and the crew and waves below. "yeah i guess." you said following him to the crows nest.

he laid down on the bench and you like it better to lay on the floor on yoga mat you used sometimes. you relaxed as he did you rested your hands on your stomach and took a deep breath and let it out relaxing. it didn't take long for zoro to fall asleep and for you to listen to his beating heart. it was so relaxing this time you had fallen asleep witch wasn't uncommon.

"(y/n), (Y/N), PLEASE WAKE UP" zoros voice yelled. your eyes opened to zoro in front of you with a woman behind him. "i can't move." you said and the woman laughed. "i'll give you a preview of the second he steps foot on this island." the woman said pushing her hand into zoros chest and pulling it back out with his heart in her hand. zoro froze there amazed at his intact chest there was no hole but he could feel one. "no don't." you told the woman as she took his heart and squeezed it tight, zoro falling to his knees in pain groaning. she squeezed it harder and he screamed in pain.

"STOP" you yelled sitting up clutching your chest after that nightmare, along with scaring zoro awake too. "meet me on the island before the sun rises." the woman's voice echoed in your head until zoro snapped you out of it. "(y/n)" he asked concern with how you were clutching your chest. "you ok" he asked. "yeah," you paused taking a deep breath. "bad dream thats all." you said letting go of your chest so you wouldn't draw anymore concern from zoro. "what about." he asked and you felt nothing but the word 'NO' over and over in your head. "it was some weird dream like robots and vampires all at the same time, i don't remember." you lied again.

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