Chapter Four

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Sleeping restlessly, I tossed and turned on my sofa.  Suddenly a knock on my front door awoke me from my light slumber, the surprise causing me to roll off the sofa.  I groaned and rubbed my head, sitting up slowly. "Be right there..."

Standing carefully, I threw the blanket on the sofa and walked to the door.  Mike stood on the other side, grinning goofily. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!"

"What do you want, Mike?" I grumbled and rubbed my eyes slightly.

"Well aren't you adorable when you wake up?" he smirked and shrugged. "I just wanted to drop by and say hello... I thought you might want to know that I found your dog."

My eyes shot open, and suddenly Caesar jumped up onto my legs and barked at me playfully.  

Grinning from ear to ear, I hugged my dog and looked up at Mike. "Thank you so, so, so much, Mike!"

"Of course.  He was wandering alongside the beach.  Some rotten eight year old was eyeing him.  Luckily I saw the dog collar before the kid snatched him."

I chuckled slightly and pet Caesar behind the ears.  Standing, I looked at Mike and sighed, "Want some coffee?"


Mike sat on my carpet, trying his very best to tighten one of the legs of my coffee table.  Setting a cup of water down for him, I sat on my newly refurbished sofa.  What was once itchy was now cozy.

"Do you ever wonder if dogs think we're the pet?"

Raising a brow, I shook my head. "How do you come up with that idea?"

"Just a curiosity of mine.  If I'm ever given the chance to switch brains with a dog, you better let me do it."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Nobody is stopping you, Mike.  Just hurry up and fix that table!  I have my first shift soon."

"Oh yeah, at Sean's Saloon or whatever?"

"Sean's Squiffy Saloon.  How'd you know?"


"Oh god," I grumbled and sighed. "Why doesn't he like me?"

"I don't know.  He hated me at first, he still does actually... but we're like brothers now.  He has to love me, but he also hates me.  It's just a Jordan thing."

"I see..." I mumbled.  Personally I just thought he didn't like me.

"I wouldn't worry much about it.  He's probably just on his man period."

"Is that a daily thing for him?"

"Pretty much... But all joking matters aside, he gets pretty anxious around girls he finds intriguing," Mike smirked and wiggled his brows towards me.

I chuckled and shook my head, "I'm sure intriguing is the last word that comes to his mind when he thinks about me."

"I'm serious!  He has anxiety issues about nearly everything.  If something isn't perfect, he worries about it for weeks on end.  He's an OCD perfectionist who never thinks things are good enough.  I've learned that him being a dick is his way of getting around having a panic attack.  Just slap him and move on."

"Oh, Mike," I started with a small smile. "I can tell I'm going to love your advice on the many problems life throws at me..."

"You'll get used to it."


After a while, Mike went back to his apartment and I got ready for work.  I put my dark auburn hair into a ponytail, letting my side bangs fall, framing my face naturally.  My icy blue eyes always stood out, being my skin was so light and my hair so dark.  I used to have freckles, but I guess the angels thought I didn't deserve their kisses.  I slipped on a short sleeved black shirt, some jeans and a pair of tattered red converses.  

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