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"Secco, heres your sugar cubes. Im only giving you two since Im buying food in a minute"
"throw!!! throw!!" secco was motioning for me to throw the cubes to him. When i did, he caught them both in his mouth then rolled over on his back. This must be the bellyrub part of the list...
"good boy? seccos good??" he asked while rolling around in the filth on the floor.
"uh yeah, seccos good...." i reluctantly put my hand out to pet his tummy but then he latched on to my arm 😰
"NOT cioccolata.....no pet 😡" secco then bit my arm and didnt let go
"what the hell?? i gave you sugar, let go of me!" i smacked him on the nose so hed let go. "get in your kennel, youre being bad!!"
secco crawled into his kennel and looked at me with sad puppy eyes

 "get in your kennel, youre being bad!!" secco crawled into his kennel and looked at me with sad puppy eyes

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"seccos sorry.............seccos good boy?"
"secco is BAD and isnt gonna get any dinner if you bite me again. geez"
"seccos hungry.....wet food! wet food!" he pointed to the bowl on the ground.
oh my god, does he seriously eat dog food? this guy has a nursing degree hanging on the wall and this is how he lives his life?-
"dude how about i buy you normal person food. im getting chinese and id be glad to give you anything but dog food😰"
"chiii--nese....secco wants treat!! give give!!" he did little grabby hands from his crate, pressing his face up to the bars
"alright, ill order you like rice or something and put it in your bowl....ew.. im gonna go find the other two, im letting you out again but do NOT act up or so help me"


Navigating through these dirty halls is probably the scariest thing ive ever done in my life. I notice a... curtain? door? to the side and theres a name sign next to it. Carne.

I really MUST be in hell

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I really MUST be in hell.
"knock knock? do you want some chinese food?" The only response I get is heavy breathing. This is that scary thing that answered the door this morning.
I hear some shuffling then a hand slips a note out of the door

I hear some shuffling then a hand slips a note out of the door

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"coollll....will do.. thanks"
what the FUCK is wrong with these people
Well, time to find this Doppio person.... Maybe theyll be normal? Id like one normal person at least.

Walking down the halls again I see another door

Walking down the halls again I see another door

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Yeah, no, not fucking with that. I dont care WHO is in there. I think I should report these freaks..

Finally, a decent looking door! I hope there isnt a kid living in this filth but it seems like there might be :( *knock knock* "and theeen he said, no secco, you cant wear that harness in public, its- oh hold on!-" Someone gets up to open the door

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Finally, a decent looking door! I hope there isnt a kid living in this filth but it seems like there might be :(
*knock knock*
"and theeen he said, no secco, you cant wear that harness in public, its- oh hold on!-"
Someone gets up to open the door. I wonder who they were talking to? Is there another person???

"Hi! Im Doppio, are you my babysitter?? :D"
"Babysitter? Im supposed to be the dogsitter... but i guess so,, is that what Cioccolata told you??" Doppio smiled and nodded
"Yes!! He said you would make me strawberry milk everyday, and even read me bedtime stories and tuck me in! Come inside here, I gotta hang up a call real quick!"

 but i guess so,, is that what Cioccolata told you??" Doppio smiled and nodded"Yes!! He said you would make me strawberry milk everyday, and even read me bedtime stories and tuck me in! Come inside here, I gotta hang up a call real quick!"

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"you have NO idea how happy i am to see a clean room, oh my god--"
"ok boss ill talk to you later!! bubyeee"
Doppio hung up his toy phone.. seems like he was having a pretty important conversation there.
"Okay! Do you wanna put together puzzles, or play hide and seek, or maaaybe we can draw, or-"
"do you want chinese food. please answer me that first then we can play games."
"mmm i waaaant.....hold on i need executive opinion on this...." he dialed a number on his toy phone and waited for a response
"boss help meee! what should i get from the chinese food place...theres so many options!  ...duck? no, i dont like duck! ...shrimp? ok....shrimp..stir fried? ok, yes, ok! bubyeee"
"i want stir fried shrimpies 😋"
what in the world..... alright..
I go ahead and place the orders for everybody and pray for the delivery persons safety when arriving.

"Ok... Doppio, how old are you? You arent a kid living here are you?" I really hope not 😳

"Oh! Im 33!!! but i dont feel a day over 12 hehe"
i cant help but have to rub my temples. At least his room is clean and hes nice. Hes probably the only one who could be considered a little bit normal. Maybe ill ask him to help me clean this godforsaken warzone so I can make it into the kitchen for his strawberry milk....

Dogsitting for Cioccolata Where stories live. Discover now