castaways...we are castaways...

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"whOAAAH🤭😯🤭😯 GUYS!! WE! JUST! FLIPPED! OUR BOAT!!! 😓😱🛥 THE ONE ☝ WE STOLE!!!! 💰🚫!!!! MAKE SURE TO LIKE 👍👍AND SUBSCRIBE▶️ OR WELL DROWN! 😭😢" illuso and formaggio continue to film while clinging to the tipped over boat
secco swims around and eats random fish that he manages to grab
"well. proscuitto is gonna kill me! if these sea monsters dont. i dont know which would be better" rose started talking about her demise while pesci slowly...sunk......😳
after a few minutes of floating, and also drowning, pesci starts singing.
"castaways...we are castaways....."
"ahoy there...ahoy..." forma and illuso joined in, making sure to film the whole thing.
"uuugh....well this was a total fail. can you use clash to like, swim us home???" tiziano started to complain. "my wi- i mean my hair is gonna get wet!!!"
"no, clash is being a total b word today 😑😑"
"we were out at sea...on a sailing ship........"

"hi there, are you all lost too? i saw a ship nearby, kinda looks like one i was on when i was a teen going to egypt, captain was a monkey. couldnt be this one though. probably. wanna grab onto my floaty?"

"the rain began to rain...and the wind began to whip...." pesci kept singing his baby song. ill admit its a banger.

secco swam to the float and bit it

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secco swam to the float and bit it. the guy on it smacked him on the head
"DONT. touch gummy. if she pops ill kill you dog. i had a dog once........."

"um, alright, guys lets grab on i guess??? whats your name anyway??" i ask as i swim to the float
everyone followed behind, still snapchatting and youtubing and maybe even cocomeloning.

"jotaro. jotaro kujo. but my friends call me jotaro. because thats my name. i dont really have many friends. have you seen a turtle nearby?????? oh hey you all grabbed on. gummy, take us to that ship!"
he points to probably the scariest ship ive ever seen in my life

 gummy, take us to that ship!" he points to probably the scariest ship ive ever seen in my life

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"gummy. i said. take us to the ship. gummy please,"

and gummy did. the float. it took like 10 minutes and we floated there. whatever helps him sleep at night 🤚

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