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Once we approached the ship, we all climbed on.
"We should knock first!! Thats the polite thing to do! Proscuitto taught me to always use my manners!" Pesci jumped up to the door and gave it a knock. The door came open but nobody was behind it.
"Well..........lets go in.....I hope theres no..monkey business...."
This Jotaro guy is freaking WEIRD. but i also hope theres no monkeys. I am so scared of them.
The sound of faint laughter and music  could be heard from one of the rooms in the back.
"OH❗❗❗❗ EM⚠️⚠️⚠️ GEE 😲😱 GUYS!!!!! THIS BOAT 🙌🏴‍☠️🚢🛥 IS HAUNTED! 🔪☠👻🧟‍♂️" Formaggio ran ahead of us to make some dramatic faces and poses for the camera. Illuso zoomed in, showed all of us walking, and tried to peek into different rooms.  "AS WE ALLLLLLLL 🤗👐👀 KNOW. IT IS 3 ‼️3️⃣‼️ AM! 🌃🧟‍♂️🧟 SO EVIIIILLLL SPIRITS 👺👹👺👹😈 WILL COME OUT ON THIS BOAT!!!" As Formaggio continued, he pushed against the door where the noise came from.
The door came open.

"AH! MONKEY!" Jotaro yelled then literally skidaddled off of the ship

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"AH! MONKEY!" Jotaro yelled then literally skidaddled off of the ship.
"He didnt last long....." Rose grabbed Pesci before he followed behind.
"Oh my god.....We gotta go. Ciocolatta is in there." I point him out to Tiziano and Squalo.
"He would KILL us if he saw us here with Secco! we are SO DEAD! and we didnt even get our creature!" Tiziano pouted.
Secco started to get antsy. OH NO.
Ciocolatta got up to the front of the room. I think hes making an announcement?
"Hello everyone. Im so glad you could all gather here today for some good old bingo! Im finally getting a break from my dog, Im sure youre all here on vacation too. I really am so glad to finally have some bingo time for myself. Its like Im freed from a shadow." The others in the room nodded, the baby just cried.
"Lets get on with the game then!"
Oh no. Secco heard that little speech....And I dont know where he is.... WAIT WHERE DID SECCO GO??? And did Illuso and Formaggio blend in with the crowd??? Where are they?
"Rose......lets go home............what if Proscuitto finds out...." He tugged at her arm.
"How do you suppose we do that. Are you going to swim us home?"
"I can tryyyy....please!"
"We have to find your idiot brothers first. Go use your stand and look for them then well figure something out."
Pesci pulled out Beach Boy and began his hunt. Rose sat against the wall and waited for him.

I need a plan to get Secco out of there and FAST. If Ciocolatta catches us-

 If Ciocolatta catches us-

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Well. Too late now.

"Secco could you get me my- wait, SECCO????? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??? ON MY VACATION AWAY?????"
"missed you!!!!!!!! gimme sugar!!!!"
Ciocolatta shood him away.
"Get out of here! Go! I want to play bingo alone!!!! Bad dog!"
Secco scampered to me. He was so upset 😧
"Its ok Secco. When we get home Ill get you some sugar. Lets find a boat or something."

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