Chapter One | 9 and 3/4 Platform

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Harry James Potter faced the brick wall for the last time, feeling rather nostalgic.

It was gonna be the last time that he would be crossing this platform. Ignoring looks from Muggles nearby, he plunged headfirst in a little run through the barrier. Pushing his cart through throngs of people, he found the two people who he was looking for. Ron and Hermione waved enthusiastically at their friend, their own hands clasped together (they officially got together after the war).

Professor McGonagall had invited everyone from last year to repeat their year and complete their NEWTs. Everyone from 7th year (or anyone who was supposed to be in 7th year) was invited back to repeat their year and gained the unofficial title as, "Eighth Years."

So here they were, the Golden Trio reunited once again for their final year at Hogwarts. Harry felt like he was coming back home after a long day and rushed toward his best friends. Hugging Ron at once and kissing Hermione on the cheek, they set off on the train. Immediately they were greeted with enthusiastic cheers and hordes of people.

"Harry Potter!"

"The chosen one has come back!"

"Oi, are you the wizard who defeated You-Know-Who?"

"Is it true that you came back from the dead?"

People were swarming him now, both people he knew and strangers that were his fans. Quickly the Golden Trio evaded the crowd and chose the closest compartment. They shut the door behind them and turned to face a boy.

With gaunt cheeks, dark circles under his eyes, and a rugged look about him, Draco Malfoy seemed thousands of years older than the last time Harry has seen him. Hermione gasped and Ron glared at the blonde boy who made no move to greet them. Harry wondered what had happened to his rival after the war. After his father's arrest and his mother's suicide, Malfoy had disappeared. Some say that he fled to France to escape imprisonment and others that he's in hiding but it seems that he had accepted McGonagall's offer.

"Can we sit here, Malfoy?" Harry asked politely, not sure how to approach the other. Malfoy merely looked at him and waved his hand which Harry took as a yes. He took the seat across from him and Ron sat next to by while Hermione chose to be near Malfoy.

"Are you also redoing 7th year, Draco?" Hermione asked, following Harry's lead. Malfoy nodded at her, his face blank of all expression.

"I am, what do you plan to do after your NEWTs, Hermione?" His voice seemed to have a rasp to it like he hadn't talked in a long time but he hadn't lost his posh manners, the time he had been away. Hermione seemed shocked for a minute, the fact that Malfoy had even replied was a feat but she replied kindly.

"I plan to explore many careers, or I might just get a job at the Ministry and work my way up there," said Hermione, thoughtfully. Malfoy inclined his head once again and chose not to make any other comments. Ron seemed surprisingly civil to the blonde and Harry reckoned that this had to be some kind of a record. 

The four of them were quiet after that, listening to the drone of the train. 

Then, the trolley witch came and Harry wondered what the lady did when she wasn't on Hogwarts's Express. "Anything from the trolley, dears? Pumpkin Pasty? Chocolate Frog? Cauldron Cake?" she says, repeating what she always said for the last seven years. Ron and Harry being the gluttons of the group each get their share and pay the lady generously for the sweets. 

Hermione rolls her eyes and digs out a book but Malfoy didn't move from the window. 

Eventually the train ride came to an end as Ron, Hermione, and him played many games of Exploding Snap while Malfoy had just sat with his back turned, staring outside the window, a forlorn expression adorning his face. Harry had spent the time questioning what Malfoy had been pondering in that short duration. 

Was it his family and friends? Or Voldemort?

Harry shook his head. Why was he so hung up on what Draco Malfoy was thinking? Surely he had lost his mind during the summer. The train stopped and the four of them stood up to get off board quickly. Harry did not want to be swarmed by yet another mob (which had happened an alarming amount of times in the summer). They all swiftly got through before anyone could notice and Harry took some time to admire Hogwarts.

Maybe it was the nostalgia coming back to him but he seemed to look at the castle in a new light as if he hadn't spent the last six years of his life in that building.  

 "Harry, Ron and I have to go to report for our prefect duties. Will you be okay by yourself?" asked Hermione, worrying about him like a mother hen did for her young. 

"I'll be fine, 'Mione. You just hurry before the first-years come." Harry reassured her and off the two of them went. After that, he looked for Malfoy who had vanished into thin air as soon as their feet had left the train. Harry sighed and headed to the carriages.

"Harry! Over here!" 

A voice called out from ahead of him and Harry saw Neville Longbottom waving at him along with Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley. 

Now Neville had gotten hot. 

There was no plainer way to state that but Neville had really flourished during the summer. Maybe it was all the newfound confidence but the Gryffindor had gained a swagger to him. Luna was just Luna. Harry had worried that being imprisoned in Malfoy's Manor might have shaken her up but after the war, she had been brighter than ever. Ginny's case was special, to say the least. After the war, Harry had realized that he had just lost interest in Ginny and broke to her in the most gentlest way he could. Ginny took it surprisingly well and the two of them were still close friends. 

Plus Ginny and Luna were dating.

Yeah, that happened. After Harry had broken it up with Ginny, she had gone over to Luna's a lot. Eventually feeling of friendship had developed into feeling of love and the two were happily in a healthy relationship. 

And Harry was ecstatic for Ginny, he really wanted to find that special someone in his life. Harry sighed. Oh how he wanted that someone.

He shook his head as if to ward of such lonely thoughts out of his head. There was no success as he watched the happy couple murmur among themselves with bright smiles, a feeling of loneliness punching his gut. 

"Harry, what's your plan for after you graduate?" asked Neville. 

 "There is not much plan, I guess. Just survive another year, you know? How about you, Neville?"

"I plan to be a Herbology professor at Hogwarts actually. I had talked to McGonagall and Sprout earlier this summer and they both had agreed to take me in right after I graduate! Professor Sprout is planning to retire after this year so the position will open right up."

"That's fantastic!" said Harry while Ginny and Luna nodded in agreement

"It is is, isn't it?" Neville said in a dreamy tone.

 After the carriage ride, they were all ushered into the Great Hall. Even after attending Hogwarts for all this time and eating at these tables millions of times, Harry marveled at the hall. It's magnificent starlight ceiling and the candles that lit up the tables. The flags of the houses billowing with the breeze and all the students seated into their four long tables. The ghosts were still gliding along the walls and Peeves was still wrecking havoc. 

Harry smiled. It was good to be home once again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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