Author's Note, sorry

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sup y'alls.


So even though there is like one person reading this, I wanted who ever did to see this design thing for my oc's so you know what they look like to me, but first, about the last chapter.

It was basically Ash's thoughts after she woke up, and the next one will be a 3rd pov of the same chapter so you get to see what is really going on instead of the scattered thoughts of someone in a mindset similar to her's, but it may take a little while for me to write, sorry.


Right now I have two oc's that are main parts of the story, even parts you haven't seen yet, and I found this website a while ago:

It lets you put together characters, and I can't draw very well, so I wanted to show what they looked like, and i may update this with more characters if i add them to the story, so here:

Ash-Current (about 13)

She also dyes her hair a lot but it's like a fade at the ends of her poof

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She also dyes her hair a lot but it's like a fade at the ends of her poof.

Lumi-Current (also about 13 but younger than Ash)

Lumi-Current (also about 13 but younger than Ash)

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Jared-Current (about 14, almost 15)

Jared-Current (about 14, almost 15)

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Yea.... We don't like Jared.

That's it for now, thanks for reading my story!

Remember to eat, sleep, and drink some water!

Stay snazzy my meme lords, ladys, and nonbinary legends!


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