1- In the Trees

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Hey, I'm Ash.

I'm a twelve year old demigod, technically unclaimed, who is currently hiding out in the woods of Camp Half Blood.

Now, as there are currently no activities in the woods, and the Ares cabin has yet to find the land mine stink bomb I left, this may seem a bit silly. However, I have a good reason, see, I live in the woods. I'm close enough to camp so I'm inside the border, and so I can help out a bit, but far enough away so that no one knows I'm here. In fact, only a few people even know I exist, and I'm hiding because one of those people is kinda a big deal at camp.

Anyways, I'm sitting in a tree, watching and listening like I always do, when I hear something different.

There it is again.

A few quick steps, then the whispers that are constantly coming from the shadows grow quiet, and then it repeats from a different direction.

I jump form my tree, grabbing the lowest branch before I land to lower my self quietly, and close my eyes.

"There you are..." I whisper underneath my breath right before I spin, press the button on my ring, hit their hand, making them drop their sword, and half a second later, I have the mystery person on the ground and my knife to their throat.

232 Words

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