17: Fatum Eros

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(A/N) that's^ the newest character

Delilah's Pov

"Time to get up you abomination"

My head pounded at the break in the dark silence of wherever it is I am "I said get up!" The voice screamed at me forcing my eyes to open as they tried to adjust to the darkness of the room I finally am able to make out the shape in front of me....

It's Bill

He's one of the elders and his face could not be anymore disappointed "Bill, nice to see you too" I managed to breathe out before he smacked me right across the face "spare me the pleasantries" he growled as I found it hard to keep my eyes open. I'm so tired and sore, everything everywhere hurts yet somehow I can barley feel a thing

I groaned out in pain as I shuffled slightly trying to get the pressure of my stomach "comfortable?" Bill smirked at me obviously enjoying my pain "aren't you supposed to be my favorite uncle?" I mumbled trying to hide the pain in my voice but failing horribly "I ain't your damn uncle you psycho!" He screamed at me making me flinch slightly

"I can't believe you how could you hurt them your own family!" He screamed even though we were only two feet apart "they tried to kill me first because I don't have my own magic so I figured I should kill them instead" I spat despite my obvious and intense pain "and to think you had so much promise then you had to go and kill your parents not to mention making Kai your destined lover" he growled

"Where am I?" I asked ignoring his statement his disappointed face turning into an annoying smirk "Home" he simply stated "its empty now sense you know your parents are dead" he added "yea I get it you think I'm a psycho and an abomination because I don't have my own magic and I killed my parents" I rolled my eyes

"I mean the killing parents thing I understand but the whole magic thing is just stupid" I added and he narrowed his brows "well can you blame us? I mean the last person who didn't have their own magic was Kai and he killed all but 3 of his siblings" he exasperated I sighed dramatically "he's a better person now!" I screamed "and you aren't are you" he said as more of a statement than a question

"Why am I here Bill? And where're Scarlet and Kai?" I ask trying to see where in my old house I was exactly but it was too dark for me to actually tell... we must be in the basement Dad always forgot to replace the light bulb in here. "Right here cousin" I heard Scarlets voice from behind Bill "where's Kai" I demanded this time, I swear if they hurt him I'll obliterate them all

"Calm down Lila he's back at your cabin tied up with the special rope" she smirked at me as she stepped closer and turned to face Bill "told you, you should've picked me" she said to him as he frowned at her "you still don't get it do you?" He asked her clearly knowing something she didn't. "get what?" She asked and as they continued their conversation I took the time to analyze my surroundings.

I know this place it's my house and I know for a fact that there's a window only 5 feet away from where I am I also know that there's a bunch of old tools 3 feet away thank god mom never thought of re arranging the basement like she always did with the rest of the house. I know the stairs are 10 feet away form me (keeping in mind this is all a rough estimate) what kind of tools did my dad even have? Can any of them help me in anyway?

I know I'm tied up with the canceling magic rope so I'm gonna have to get rid of it before I can actually do anything and the fact that I'm injured on both my head and stomach will also be a major problem, odds of me getting out of here are pretty slim I looked around one last time before looking back at Bill and Scarlet who where right in front of me and having they're own conversation

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