23: Epilouge

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A/N: it's actually the end this time and the setting is two years after the wedding

Kai's Pov

"Lila I can't find it!" I called out looking for Cole's stuffed panda, he refuses to go anywhere without, we have to make sure and put in his carriage or else when we leave he starts to cry, he loves the thing and now I can't seem to find it anywhere "I think I put it in the closet!" She calls back

And I groan in frustration "why would she put it in here?" I ask aloud even though no one can hear me I opened the closet door and there lying perfectly on the floor were a penguin and a panda onesie I scanned the room not really sure what I was looking for maybe a hidden camera?

Lila? Jo? Which isn't possible because just like Lila and me her and Alaric basically disappeared of the face of the earth so that their twins wouldn't have to merge and be involved in all the supernatural crap luckily we didn't have twins but we still didn't want him to be in danger so we left

Not that we ever actually planned on staying after their wedding, there was just nothing there for us except Liv, and that was only because of Lila even now she sends postcards to a fake address (no one knows where we are) and I have some one pick them up apparently her and Tyler are traveling the world together

They've basically been everywhere

But I'm getting of track, so back to the last two things I gave to my sister I walked out of the room and down the stairs still looking at them in my hands "hey Lila? What's with-" I stopped dead in my tracks cutting myself off as I stared at Jo and Alaric standing in our living room

"Hi" Jo gave me a small wave and my jaw dropped open "what are you doing here?" I ask almost breathlessly "we uh, we came because they wanted to meet you" she swallows and my eyes widened.... They? Alaric pointed to the kitchen and I walked towards it seeing Lila feeding Cole

And two little girls sitting down on the table eating cereal they look about 2 or 3 years old "they're your nieces" Jo says making them snap up to look at me "uncle Kai!" One of them screams while they rush over to me they hug me and I hug back laughing "you guys wanted wanted to meet me?" I ask and they both nod

I chuckle before bending down to stand on my knees so I could be closer to their hight "they wanted to meet someone in their family" Alaric said and I turned to look up at him "and I'm the only part of his family that wouldn't want them to merge" I said and he nodded

"So what do you girls want to do first with your awesome uncle" I smiled at them and they smiled back "let's go to the park!" One of them squealed and I smiled "luckily for you we live really close to one" I say standing up "you wanna go sweetheart? I ask wrapping my arms around Lila and kissing her cheek

"Of course I do" she says smiling back at me "so what should we call you guys?" She asks them "I'm Sophie and this is Emily... She doesn't like to talk much but, but I know she can" Sophie says and I smile at them both "well nice to meet you Sophie and Emily, you guys ready to go to the park?"

They nod and start racing for the door I let go of Lila and she smirks at me "happy birthday" she says and I smile back "you called them didn't you?" I ask a fm she nods "I know I know I'm the best wife ever" she smiles at me and I kiss her "yea you really are" I smile kissing her again

"Get Cole I'll get the keys, and the baby seat" I say already going to get them "don't forget his bottle!" She calls out "I won't" I reply getting the bottle and unlocking the car I open the door seeing Sophie and Emily get in along with Jo and Alaric

I set up the baby seat and put his bottle in a cup holder Lila puts Cole in the seat and them sits in the passenger seat as I turn on the car "you guys ready?"


I have only had 3 hours of sleep due to travel and jet lag and what not so this chapter probably sucks and I apologize but once I get more sleep I will update and make it way better hopefully, I just wanted to update for you guys but I'm sorry if it's horrible

I also have and alternative ending coming up for those of you who wanted the non baby ending so

Stay tuned

And get sleep

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