6: Secrets

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We drove up to the school where Damon said Elena are. We got out and Liv started taking out the things she needed for the cloaking spell sense she refused to go inside with us not that I would let her anyways it's way to dangerous for her to be in there.

I look over at Liv to see she was gone "what the" was all I got a chance to say before Damon turned towards me and Luke appeared out of nowhere "sorry" he says "what the hell are you doing here?" Damon asks turning to him "she doesn't have time for this" he says before saying "inviseque" and disappearing

Leaving Damon saying no and waving his arms where Luke was "great now you do the spell" he says turning to me and my eyes widen "uh I can't...." I say and he raises a brow "why not?" He asks "Kai took my magic" I say "you should have it back by now, I mean that's how it always works by now you should have it back"

I swallow hard and he gets closer to me "what are you not telling me" he says "n-nothing" I stutter and back up against the car "please Lila, Elena is in there and she needs me please just tell me why you can't help!" He practically begs and I swallow hard.

"I don't have magic" I mutter and his eyes widen "what?" He asks and I look at him "I don't have magic" I repeat and he punches the car making me flinch "what do you mean you don't have magic I've seen you use it before!" He screams "that's because I had some of Liv's magic"

I say and his eyes widen "your just like Kai" he mumbles backing up "no that's not true! I just can't have my own magic I have to get it from someone or a spell" I say trying to get him to listen to me "that's exactly what Kai has to do!" He screams and I sigh my breath shaky

"Except I'm not a psycho remember I'm on your side!" I scream back and he pins me to the wall "who else knows?" He mumbles "just Liv and Luke" I say and he growls letting me go and backing up and he starts pacing "damon please don't tell anyone there's a reason we kept it a secret!"

I scream and he growls "tell me then I'll let you know if I'll keep your secret or not" he says and I sigh "everyone in our coven always gets there magic at the age of 5 when I turned 7 I still didn't have any so everyone started questioning if I was turning out like Kai" I swallow hard.

"Me and Liv knew how badly everyone treated Kai so when we found out I was like Kai we kept it a secret" I say and he studies me "I used her magic as my own and everyone believed it was mine they called me a late bloomer. Obviously Liv kept letting me take some of her magic and when Luke found out he promised to keep it a secret too"

I finish and looked up at Damon "I won't tell anyone" he mumbles and I run up and hug him out of relief "oh my god thank you Damon I promise I'll make it up to you any way I can" I say and then pull back once I realized I'm hugging Damon....

Well this is awkward

He just smiled weakly "go back to my place we'll talk once I get Elena back" he says and I nod quickly "yea of course" I say before walking away.


Once I got there Alaric and Jo were there and they were about to leave they looked at me questioningly "its a long story" I say and they shrug walking off "we're going to help Damon, you coming?" Alaric asks and I sigh "not unless you particularly need me"

I say and they look at each other then me "I think we're good actually" Jo says to Alaric then she turns to me "we'll see you later Lila" I nod and they close the door leaving me on my own with nothing to do until Damon gets back.

I walk towards his liquor cabinet and poor my self some in a fairly large glass "I can't believe I told him" I mutter before drinking the glass dry. I walk over to the couch placing the glass on the floor laying down on the couch looking up at ceiling.

I wonder what would've happened if Liv didn't help me.

My mom and dad would've treated me the way Kai's parents treated him... like an abomination...... everyone would stay away from me and I probably would've turned into a psycho like Kai.

Thank god she helped me

Instead I'm lying to everyone but her and Luke pretending I'm a normal witch and taking some of Liv's magic everyday.... I'm the reason she's weaker then Luke it's my fault if she dies when they merge... if they merge

Maybe that's why I let myself get involved with Kai, I wanted someone who could understand what it's like to live in the fear of not even your own parents liking you if they really knew you. But Kai never kept his ability a secret and his parents do hate him

I could've turned out just like him....

I owe everything I am right now to Liv and Luke.. I honestly don't care what it takes but I will stand by there side for ever and when they're on opposite sides like now I will always take Liv's side because she's the one that is letting me use her magic for nothing in return.

What am I doing?

I need to find her, help her and Tyler runaway together and do whatever it takes to get away from our coven and Luke so she can live it doesn't matter how I just can't let her die after all she's done for me! I quickly get up and run out the door only to see its already dark out.

How long was I daydreaming?

I look around and saw Damon's car coming up and it stopped right at the entrance. He got out and looked at me "you ready to give me the entire story" he says and I nod walking back inside after him. He fills a glass with scotch and sits down gesturing for me to sit in front of him.

Once I take a seat I clear my throat "wouldn't it just be easier if you get into my head and see my memories" I say and he nods "great idea" he says before sitting up and placing both of his hands on each side of my head. I close my eyes and see my memories playing in my head


I was eating some of my cake talking with Lucas before Olivia walks in the kitchen taking my hand and dragging me towards my dad's study "what are you doing we're not allowed in there" I say and she covers my mouth and points to her ear "listen" she whispers

And I do, I hear her dad "Delilah still doesn't have her magic" he says "she's just a late bloomer I'm sure" my dad says "if she's not, we're gonna have to kill her" at the sound of those words out of Olivia's dads mouth tears started to collect in my eyes

"She could turn out just like Malachi" he said and they all sighed "the coven before family" they all say in unison and I look at Olivia her eyes had tears in them as well, I hear them about to walk out and I run still holding Olivia's hand we run out into the garden I collapse on my knees crying loudly.

"There gonna kill me!" I cry out and Olivia cries too "no! No I won't let them!" She says taking my hand and placing it around her wrist "do it" she cries "do what?" I choke out and she sniffles "take some of my magic! Hurry!" She screams and I look her dead in the eye "I don't know if I can do that Olivia!"

I scream back and she falls down to her knees "just try!" She cries out and I try to muffle my cries focusing on her blood pumping through her veins next thing I knew I hear her cry out in pain and I quickly let go feeling the magic rush over me like a breath of fresh air I breathe in as my crying stops

"It worked" I say and she smiles shrugging off the pain and hugging me "it's our secret" she mumbles against my hair and I nod frantically "yea totally" I say before we clean up making sure you couldn't tell we were crying and we walked back inside to show everyone that I have magic.



I don't even know how I thought of this

I was just writing and bam suddenly my character has a really deep secret!

I'm going with it

Anyway comment and vote if you like

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